Communion Meditations
Blood-Stained Hands
Reading Time: 2 minutes
We gather at this time to remember the Son of David—Jesus—who died with blood-stained hands. They were not stained from the battles against flesh-and-blood sinners . . .
Every Time
Reading Time: 2 minutes
As with track runners, we Christians also have a finish line upon which we focus.
No Tourniquet Required
Reading Time: 2 minutes
That the outpouring of Jesus’ blood was not halted on Calvary meant death for him . . . but life for us.
His Hands and Ours
Reading Time: 2 minutes
When we take Communion, we hold in our hands the reminders of the price Jesus paid to save us from sin.
Always in His Arms
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Immediately after describing the coming Messiah as someone who would rule with power and a mighty arm (Isaiah 40:10), the prophet’s imagery changed dramatically: “He tends his flock like a shepherd . . .”
A School Like No Other
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Scripture says Jesus “learned obedience from what he suffered” (Hebrews 5:8).
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Have you ever heard someone say there are many ways to Heaven and that Christians are narrow-minded to think Jesus is the only way? God’s Word is unambiguous and unequivocal about this topic. . . .
The Most Honored Seat at the Table
Reading Time: 2 minutes
The most honored seat for the most respected guest was to Jesus’ immediate left. On this night, Judas sat in that honored position. . . .