24 January, 2025

Global Gospel Sets Out to Bridge Language Barriers

by | 19 January, 2012 | 0 comments

By Jennifer Taylor

The Global Gospel DVD series uses art and narration in many languages to share the Gospel story worldwide.

 “How can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?” (Romans 10:14).

Good News Productions, International (Joplin, MO), has created a new way to reach the many people groups who have not yet heard about Christ because they do not have access to the Bible or cannot read. This fall it launched The Global Gospel, a three-disc illustrated DVD storybook and dramatic reading of the Gospels.

The Global Gospel series was created to be easily adapted for use around the world,” shares GNPI. “The project can be shared with people in nearly every tongue, tribe, and nation by simply translating the Scriptures and recording and replacing the English narration with a multitude of different languages.”

GNPI is currently coordinating the production of additional versions in Spanish, Russian, Ukranian, Hindi, Punjabi, Thai, Swahili, Tagalog, and nine other languages spoken by a combined audience of 1.3 billion people. The ministry plans to work with other churches and missionaries worldwide to target additional language groups for a potential audience of nearly 3.5 billion people””half the world!

Good News also offers a number of ways you can help. Churches, individuals, small groups, and Sunday school classes can sponsor a language by praying and giving. GNPI”s website offers a list of languages awaiting sponsorship, including Mandarin, Arabic, and Cantonese.

Churches can also consider partnering with GNPI in production of a specific language, or to send solar kits so the videos can be watched in areas without electricity.

Learn more at www.gnpi.org/solarkit and www.theglobalgospel.org.

“”Jennifer Taylor



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