2 February, 2025

New Service Date Has Been Gift

by | 7 January, 2016 | 0 comments

By Jennifer Johnson

When Suncrest Christian Church (St. John, IN) began to max out its three Sunday services, the church considered a variety of ways to accommodate more people.

“Lots of churches do Saturday night services, and some do Sunday night,” says Greg Lee, lead pastor at Suncrest. “I was intrigued by churches like White River Christian in Noblesville, Indiana, that created a Thursday night service. We are a multisite with some video teaching, so the idea of doing something on Thursday was a great gift””we can record the message and have two days to send it to the other campuses.”

01_SH_Suncrest_JNOf course, the downside to this approach is that now the sermon must be ready by Thursday! Lee says it”s worth it.

“For my first 18 years in ministry I felt like I never had a weekend, and now I do,” he says. “I”ve preached the sermon on Thursday and I take Friday as my day off. I still get up early Sunday morning and work through the message again, but before if we did something as a family on Saturday, I was only half there. Now I”m fully present.”

The midweek service offers other advantages, as well. The middle school ministry runs its programs at the same time; some families bring their junior high-age kids to youth group and return for worship on Sunday, while others all attend Thursday night. The Thursday evening service begins at 6:30 to accommodate families with young children, and includes full programming for kids up to sixth grade.

“Other groups have learned to take advantage of these options,” Lee says. “Some will meet at 5:30 and worship together afterward, and one of my pastoral counseling slots is at 7:35, right after the service is over.”

However, Lee acknowledges the new schedule also brings challenges, especially for the staff.

“The rhythm change in the week is massive,” he says. “And recruiting volunteers is an ongoing process.” He believes this model works best for churches that already have multiple Sunday services; while some groups””such as empty nesters traveling to see grandkids or singles with an active social calendar””love the chance to free up their weekends, it is a significant culture change for many others who are used to weekend worship.

“This idea isn”t for everyone, but for us it”s been a win,” Lee says. “In addition to creating another option for people, it”s challenged us as a staff to reframe our planning so the week isn”t just a race to get to Sunday morning.”



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