12 March, 2025

Plans Announced for 2018 SCJ Conference 

by | 11 August, 2017 | 0 comments

For the first time, Emmanuel Christian Seminary at Milligan College will host the 2018 Stone-Campbell Journal (SCJ) Conference on April 6 and 7 on its Johnson City, TN, campus.

The theme “Theology of Others: Judaism, Islam, and “˜None-of-the-Aboves,”” will be developed by Ellen Charry, Margaret W. Harmon Professor of Theology, Princeton (NJ) Theological Seminary; Evertt Huffard, dean, Harding School of Theology (Memphis, TN); and Richard Knopp, professor of philosophy and Christian apologetics, Lincoln (IL) Christian University.

Charry will present “”˜The Wall of Hostility Has Come Down”: Reconstructing the Theological Relationship Between Judaism and Christianity”; Huffard will present “Allah Is God: A Theological Challenge for Muslims and Christians”; and Knopp will present “Understanding and Engaging the “˜Nones.””

The formal call for papers for the 2018 event has been announced. Related papers or papers on other biblical, theological, or historical topics are sought from scholars and student scholars for parallel sessions. Send paper title (no abstract needed) to Stewart Penwell, conference parallel paper coordinator, at [email protected] by Jan. 20, 2018.

The first 35 paper topics submitted are guaranteed a slot, after which availability will be limited. Additionally, 16 study groups welcome inquiries. Information regarding paper and study group submissions is available at www.stonecampbelljournal.com.

The 2018 Student Paper Competitions will occur in three categories: Junior/Senior; MA/MDiv; and Restoration (Isaac Errett Award from the Disciples Historical Society). Contact Les Hardin ([email protected]) immediately to indicate interest and to obtain the competition rules (also available on the SCJ website) for the undergrad and grad competition, and also receive information on the $2,500 scholarship available to both undergrad and grad winners. For the Isaac Errett competition, contact Newell Williams ([email protected]). The winner receives a cash award. Submissions for all student paper competitions are due Dec. 15.


2017 SCJ Conference a Success

SCJ“s 2017 conference, “Communicating the Old Testament,” gathered nearly 250 scholars and students from 48 different colleges, universities, and graduate schools in 14 states to Johnson University”s Tennessee campus in Knoxville on April 7 and 8.

The conference featured Ellen Davis, Amos Ragan Kearns Distinguished Professor of Bible and Practical Theology at Duke Divinity School (Durham, NC); Chris Heard, associate professor of religion, Pepperdine University (Malibu, CA); and Jason Bembry, professor of Old Testament, Emmanuel Christian Seminary at Milligan.

Davis presented “The Practical Value of Old Testament Exegesis” and “Telling the Story for This Time and Place”; Heard presented “Drowning in Cuteness: How the Flood Became a Children”s Story” and “The Lord Chooses How the Dice Fall: Using Games to Teach Old Testament”; Bembry presented “The Old Testament Prophetic Tradition””Wide A-“˜woke in America.”

These lectures were complemented by more than 80 papers presented by established and emerging scholars in parallel sessions and 13 study groups, as well as the annual Student Paper Competitions.

For the first time, the winners of both the undergraduate and graduate divisions of the Student Paper Competitions were from the same institution: Lincoln Christian University. Jonathan Totty won the graduate division with his paper “Irenaeus on the Economy of God” (with Steve Cone as sponsor). Kory Eastvold won the undergraduate division with his paper “”˜What, Then, Shall We Say?”: The Interpretation of Romans 4:1″ (sponsor: Frank Dicken).

Continuing a program launched in 2016, winners were each awarded a $2,500 scholarship to one of 10 participating institutions affiliated with the Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement, along with a year”s subscription to SCJ, registration at the 2018 SCJ Conference, and a cache of books from participating publishers.

The 2017 conference highlight was the 20th Anniversary Celebration and Awards Dinner. The evening included reflections from the original six editors plus awards for various articles in the 20 years of SCJ. Among the 14 awards presented was SCJ“s inaugural Lifetime Achievement Award presented to Robert B. Hull, professor of New Testament, emeritus, Emmanuel Christian Seminary at Milligan College.

Stone-Campbell Journal is a peer-reviewed journal published twice annually by Stone-Campbell International, a nonprofit formed in 2005 to serve the church and promote its unity through the advancement of scholarship within the Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement. In addition to publishing SCJ, Stone-Campbell International also annually sponsors the SCJ Conference each spring. For more information, visit www.stone-campbelljournal.com.


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