7 February, 2025

Members Use Homes for One-Another Ministry (plus News Briefs)

by | 20 June, 2018 | 0 comments

By Chris Moon

After studying the book of Acts, members of East Win Christian Church in Memphis, TN, were challenged to put what they learned into action.

The church hosted a campaign to encourage church members to use their homes in the same manner as the earliest Christians—for meeting together, eating together, and encouraging one another.

As a means of measuring progress, the church placed a container in its lobby and asked members to drop a seashell into it for every person they invited into their homes. This was to symbolize that church members had “broken out of their shells” and applied God’s Word to their daily lives.



West Waynesboro (VA) Church of Christ hosted a booth for the first time at the annual Sweet Dreams Festival in nearby Stuarts Draft, VA. The church gave out free cotton candy and free bottles of cold water.


First Christian Church in New Philadelphia, OH, spent a month collecting peanut butter to send to Haiti. Peanut butter is rich in vitamins and protein. The church asked its members to drop off 16- to 18-ounce jars of peanut butter with a quarter taped to the top of each jar to offset shipping expenses.


A vigil took place Monday night at Discovery Christian Church in Bloomfield, CO, for the 13-year-old victim of a road-rage shooting. Vaughn Bigelow died in last week’s incident, his mother and younger brother are hospitalized, and a bystander is recuperating, according to the Daily Camera newspaper.


Manhattan (KS) Christian College has partnered with Donate Your Change to help raise money for the college. Individuals can choose to “round up” their purchases and donate the change to MCC.


Members of New Life Christian Church in Chantilly, VA, celebrated Father’s Day with a little dodgeball. The church’s annual “Father’s Day Dodgeball” took place immediately after the Sunday services, enabling kids to play a variety of dodgeball games with their dads.


Eagle (ID) Christian Church will host its 16th annual Kruz-In Car Show from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday at its Eagle Campus. An indoor Quilt Show will coincide with the event.

Blendville Christian Church, Joplin, MO, meanwhile, held its fourth-annual Father’s Day Car Show this past Sunday.


Reno (OH) Christian Church celebrated its 118th birthday this spring. The church marked its big day by honoring 10 members who have been involved in the church’s ministry for at least 50 years. One member had been part of the church for 70 years.


The Christian Chronicle reports some churches are forgoing scheduled mission trips to Nicaragua because of political violence that has been taking place in that country for the past two months.


If you have a news item to share with our readers, send it to [email protected].


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