27 March, 2025

Crosspoint Church Opens Worship Center (Plus News Briefs)

by | 26 September, 2018 | 0 comments

Crosspoint Christian Church in Cape Coral, Fla., celebrated the opening of its 18,000-square-foot worship center on Sunday.

The church, which started meeting in a high school in 2006, launched the new facility with a special Instagram photo booth (above) and a food drive, asking members to bring canned food to the church service, according to the Cape Coral Daily Breeze. The food will go to the Cape Coral Caring Center, a local food distribution center.

“We know that in our community, there are people every day who don’t know how they are going to feed their children,” lead pastor Jeff Swearingen told the Daily Breeze. “We want to do something to help change that. So, we are hoping to collect at least 1,000 canned goods as we celebrate the opening of our new facility.”

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Restoration Appreciation Week will be Oct. 9-12 at Great Lakes Christian College, Lansing, Mich. The theme for the week will be getting to know the a cappella churches of Christ in America.

Speaking at 11 a.m. Oct. 9 will be Jim Amstutz, minister with East Superior Christian Church in Alma, Mich., and speaking at 11 a.m. Oct. 12 will be Jerry Harris, publisher of Christian Standard Media and senior pastor of The Crossing, a multisite church located in three states across the Midwest.

Restoration Appreciation Sunday will be Oct. 14.

Learn more at https://www.glcc.edu/event/restoration-appreciation-week-2/.

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Thomas Smith Jr. was inaugurated as the seventh president of Johnson University in Knoxville, Tenn., on Friday. Smith is a 1978 graduate of Johnson. He began teaching history and theology at the university in 1989. He served as dean of the School of Arts and Sciences from 2012 to 2014, and as provost and vice president for academic affairs from 2014 to 2017. Johnson University is celebrating its 125 anniversary this academic year.

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Bring Your Bible to School Day will be Oct. 4. Learn more at www.bringyourbible.org.

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Southpoint Church has relocated its Allen Park location in suburban Detroit to the former home of Gilead Baptist Church. A grand opening is set for Sept. 30. Southpoint sold its former Allen Park location to a Romanian church at a discounted price, according to the News-Herald. The church also has locations in Trenton and New Boston, Mich.

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Kentucky Christian University, Grayson, will host a Minister Appreciation Luncheon at noon Oct. 18 “to honor those who are committed to the Great Commission and are on the front lines preaching and teaching the gospel.” Guest speaker will be David Welsh of Franklin (Tenn.) Christian Church. Register by Oct. 3.

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Gary and Margrette Taylor are celebrating their 25th year serving with Farmland (Ind.) Christian Church. The couple began ministry at the church on Sept. 23, 1993. All told, they’ve been in ministry for more than 40 years, according to the (Winchester) News Gazette.

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Countryside Christian Church in Port Byron, Ill., is hosting a classic car show from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday to support International Disaster Emergency Services.

The show will be held at the church and feature hot rods, muscle cars, and more, according to the Dispatch-Argus of East Moline, Ill. The event will include a silent auction for a car, games for kids, and free food.

Donations will go to IDES’ hunger relief program, said Kathy Khort, of the church’s evangelism committee.

“In 2017, IDES provided 1,108,174 bags to the hungry all over the world,” Khort said. “For us locally, in 2016, when a tornado touched down in Port Byron, IDES volunteers came to help us build sheds for the victims of the tornado so they would have a safe place to store their belongings.”

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Compass Christian Church in Chandler, Ariz., tried to put the “Bond” back into marriage on Friday. The church hosted a marriage themed mystery theater, which included a dinner. The event for couples was called “The Spouse Who Loved Me”—a spin on the title of the 1977 James Bond film, The Spy Who Loved Me.

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If you have a news item to share with readers, send it to [email protected].


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