27 March, 2025

Foscoe Christian Returns Home 4 Years after Fire (Plus News Briefs)

by | 3 October, 2018 | 0 comments

Foscoe Christian Church, Boone, N.C., held services in their just-completed home for the first time on Sunday, more than four years after a Jan. 7, 2014, fire destroyed their church building after a furnace malfunctioned.

“There’s a lot of relief, a lot of gratefulness, a lot of thankfulness and a lot of folks we’re indebted to,” elder Chris Calloway told the Watauga Democrat last week. “It’s been a long process, a difficult process, but a very uplifting process. We’ve had a lot of folks step forward and really step up in a multitude of ways.”

The brick building includes a sanctuary with a capacity of almost 200, a gathering area, fellowship hall, offices, pantry, storage, nursery, and eight classrooms, the paper said.

There will be an open house at the church Oct. 21 and a building dedication Nov. 4.

FCC has been meeting in the old Shelter Rock Building since the fire, and has not missed a Sunday.

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A five-day “One Community Prayer Walk” that will extend to all corners of Dyer County, Tenn., began this morning. The prayer walk is being organized by First Christian Church in Dyersburg and will cover 125.2 miles, according to the State Gazette. FCC lead pastor Brian Grow says the purpose of the walk is to pray “above all else, [for] unity—for the community to become one. . . . There are a lot addictions and broken families in our community,” and participants will pray for “restoration and healing.” The walk will conclude with a prayer and worship service at FCC at 5:30 p.m. Sunday.

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Coordinators with International Disaster Emergency Service (IDES) are currently deployed at Two Rivers Church in New Bern, N.C., and are coordinating with churches in the Wilmington and Jacksonville, N.C., areas. Volunteers will be needed at these locations. If you would like to get involved with the organization’s Hurricane Florence relief efforts, connect with IDES at [email protected].

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Sept. 14 was the 10-year anniversary of a Sunday-morning evacuation of South Side Christian Church, Munster, Ind., due to the flooding Little Calumet River. It took more than two years before the congregation rededicated the church and returned to the rebuilt sanctuary. Read about the flood and the church’s recovery at The Times’s website.

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About 25 teenagers and adults from Third City Christian Church, Grand Island, Neb., spent several hours Saturday painting at a local care and rehabilitation center that is in serious financial distress. A week earlier, another crew from the church worked outdoors at the facility and also performed light maintenance. Additional work is planned at a companion facility this month. The community has gotten involved after the facilities’ owner failed to meet payroll for weeks earlier this year; the state has appointed a temporary new operator, according to the Grand Island Independent.

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WestWay Christian Church, Scottsbluff, Neb., will sponsor a Visionary Marriage Conference Oct. 12 and 13. The event is for community members who are single or married. It is designed to help people realize the purpose for marriage and the mission that should drive couples as they live out their lives together.

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Cincinnati Christian University has updated its Master of Divinity program. The school has reduced the required credit hours for the program to 73. Half of the required classes now are offered online. Other classes can be taken in “intensive” formats. Tuition for the entire MDiv program is less than $12,000, the school said.

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If you have a news item to share with readers, send it to [email protected].


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