27 March, 2025

Christian Colleges Offer Fellowship and Enrichment Opportunities This Spring

by | 6 February, 2019 | 0 comments

Christian colleges have planned numerous opportunities for fellowship and spiritual enrichment this spring. We scoured their websites and came up with this calendar of activities. If we happened to miss an event or two, please let us know at [email protected] and we will be happy to add to this chronological list.

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Summit Christian College, Gering, Neb., is offering a series of “Bridge Seminars” throughout the spring. Attend the free events in person or online. Seminars led by SCC professors begin at 6:30 p.m. Thursdays and last about 45 minutes. Church groups are welcome. Learn more at www.summitcc.net. Scheduled seminars include:

  • Feb. 7, “Going Deeper with Online Bible Study Sites,” Scott Gribble
  • March 14, “Parables of Jesus,” Dave Robinson
  • April 11, “The Old Testament in the New,” Aaron Prohs

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The Institute for Church Leadership at Nebraska Christian College, Papillion, Neb., has planned three free events—which include lunch—over the next two months:

  • Feb. 11, Caleb Kaltenbach, “Bridging the Gap Between the LGBTQ+ Community and Your Church”
  • March 11, Toni J. Collier, “Building a Winning Team”
  • April 8, Carlos Whittaker, “Kill the Spider”

Events begin at noon and end before 2 p.m. Go to www.nechristian.edu for more information.

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Hundreds of church leaders will gather at Lincoln (Ill.) Christian University Feb. 16 for its Church Leaders’ Conference featuring Gene Appel, senior pastor of Eastside Christian Church, Anaheim, Calif., and Chuck Sackett, who serves on the preaching team with Madison Park Christian Church, Quincy, Ill. The theme is “Leading a Mission-Ready Church.” Learn more at lincolnchristian.edu.

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Ozark Christian College, Joplin, Mo., will host a Preaching-Teaching Convention Feb. 18-20. The theme is “No Matter What: Holy Living in a Hostile Land.” Among the speakers will be Caleb Kaltenbach, Brad Tate, Shan Moyers, Ashley Wooldridge, Daryl Reed, Nathan Rector, and Mark Scott. There also will be pre-convention seminars held during the day Feb. 18, including “Church Leadership: Conversations for the Smaller Church,” “Children’s Ministry Training,” and others. Go to occ.edu to learn more and to register.

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Manhattan (Kan.) Christian College’s 42nd annual Woman’s World Conference will take place Feb. 22 and 23. The “Everyday Heroes” theme “will be a celebration of how the simple things we do every day make a difference and how lifestyle evangelism benefits the kingdom of God.” Author, humorist, and encourager Amberly Neese will be the keynote speaker. Learn more at mccks.edu.

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Bob Russell will speak at Men’s Day at St. Louis Christian College, Florissant, Mo., on March 2. Men of all ages are invited to the free event which begins at 10 a.m. and includes a barbecue lunch at noon. The theme is “How Men Are Wired.” Learn more at stlchristian.edu.

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Rural Church Conferences sponsored by Nebraska Christian College, Papillion, Neb., are planned at churches in Iowa and Nebraska in March.

  • The Iowa Small Church Conference featuring minister and educator Bill Krause will take place March 2 at Whiting (Iowa) Christian Church.
  • The Nebraska Small Church Conference featuring Shawn McMullen, editor of The Lookout magazine, will take place March 16 at Third City Christian Church in Grand Island.

Both events begin at 9 a.m. and run all day. Learn more and register online at www.nechristian.edu.

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Central Christian College of the Bible, Moberly, Mo., will have a Men’s Day and Banquet on March 7. Workshops will take place at 3:00 and 4:15 p.m. and feature Bob Russell (bobrussell.org) and Jim Estep (e2elders.org). The banquet will be at 6:30 p.m. Learn more at cccb.edu.

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Mid-South Christian College in Memphis, Tenn., will host a six-hour session on “Four Chair Discipling” beginning at 9 a.m. March 9. Cost is $20; lunch is included. Learn more at www.midsouthchristian.edu.

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The annual Kenneth T. Norris Lectureship at Maritime Christian College, Charlottetown, PEI, Canada, will take place March 19-22. The theme will center on “Miracles: Previews of a Future World.” Featured speaker will be Mark Scott, who teaches preaching and New Testament at Ozark Christian College, Joplin, Mo. Scott also writes the weekly lesson treatment for The Lookout (lookoutmag.com). Learn more at mccpei.com.

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Great Lakes Christian College, Lansing, Mich., will host “Connecting Ministry: Bringing Generations Together,” from 9 a.m. till noon March 23. The seminar will offer suggestions while focusing on systems and methods for effectively discipling a multigenerational church. Chris Carter, minister of connections with Northpointe Community Church, Dewitt, Mich., will be the main speaker. Learn more at www.glcc.edu.

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“Return to Rest,” a Women’s Conference at Ozark Christian College, Joplin, Mo., will take place April 5 and 6. April Kehrer will be main speaker and Sara Wood will lead worship. Learn more at occ.edu.

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Milligan College in Tennessee will host the Eleanore L. Campbell Ladies Lunch April 6. Special guest will be Lisa Whelchel, a nationally known Christian author, speaker, and actress best-known for portraying Blair on TV’s The Facts of Life. For registration questions, call (423) 461-8710.

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Central Christian College of the Bible, Moberly, Mo., will have a Women’s Day and Banquet on April 11. “Love Stories” is the theme. Workshops will take place at 3:00 and 4:15 p.m. featuring Bethany Jett (bethanyjett.com) and Erica Polston (#livelikecrazytoday). The banquet will be at 6:30 p.m. Learn more at cccb.edu.

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“Love Your Story . . . Embrace His Glory,” the Lincoln (Ill.) Christian Women’s Conference, is scheduled for April 24. Featured speakers will include Debbie Strater Sempsrott and Sheila Walsh. Learn more at lincolnchristian.edu.

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Johnson University–Tennessee in Knoxville is planning three “Senior Saints in the Smokies” events this year featuring LeRoy Lawson as speaker and L. Thomas Smith Jr. as Bible study leader. The gatherings will be May 20-24, 27-31, and June 3-7. Learn more about the events and register at www.Johnson.edu.

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Ozark Christian College, Joplin, Mo., is planning a “We Are Christ’s Ambassadors” conference for May 27-31 in Branson, Mo. The gathering is planned specifically for people 55 and older. In addition to Ozark president Matt Proctor, speakers will include Mark Scott and Jon Kehrer. Go to occ.edu to learn more about the event, lodging costs, and registration.


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