8 March, 2025

Waran People Celebrate Bible Dedication (Plus News Briefs)

by | 6 November, 2019 | 0 comments

Compiled by Jim Nieman and Chris Moon

Mac Silvey recently posted a YouTube video showing the Waran people of Papua New Guinea celebrating the dedication of the New Testament translated for them by Pioneer Bible Translators. The translation was a labor of love for PBT’s William and Robin Butler, as detailed in Greg Pruett’s article “To the Least and the Last” in our November issue. The celebration took place, but due to “issues and setbacks” at the printing plant, Silvey said, the actual printed Bibles didn’t arrive for another few weeks.

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Other News Briefs

A Dallas Christian College graduate is the new president of Dallas Theological Seminary. Mark Yarbrough has been appointed as sixth president in the 95-year history of DTS. Yarbrough received his bachelor’s degree from Dallas Christian College in 1993 and later served as a professor and vice president at the college.

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Former Southeast Christian Church pastor Bob Russell was a main speaker at the 2019 Expositors Summit held at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky. He spoke alongside evangelical leaders Alistair Begg, Albert Mohler, Hershael York, and Charlie Dates. The conference theme “The Pulpit and Purity” stressed the importance of pastors living their lives above reproach.

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The fourth National Multi-Ethnic Church Conference, presented by Mosaix Global Network, is taking place this week in Dallas. Among the sponsors: Exponential, Johnson University, and Ozark Christian College.

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Noninstrumental churches of Christ in Tennessee and Kentucky, and some related ministries, will receive equal shares of a trust worth $35 million, the Christian Chronicle reported. The trust was established in 1936 by Christian businessman and church elder R. W. Comer and his sons. If the trust is divided among 2,000 churches of Christ in those two states, as anticipated, it would amount to about $17,500 per congregation, according to the Chronicle. The ministries are being provided with instructions they must follow to claim a share of the trust.

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Thrive Church in Camby, Ind., had its grand opening Sunday. The church is meeting at North Madison Elementary School. Steve Bolin serves as lead minister.

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Rick Champ, 63, vice president of advancement with St. Louis Christian College, died of a heart attack Oct. 27 in Urbana, Ill. Services were at Windsor Road Christian Church, Champaign, Ill. The News-Gazette published his obituary.

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Great Lakes Christian College has posted audio files of its Restoration Appreciation Week speakers from October. Dr. Ron Peters, professor of New Testament, spoke on “The End of Christian Colleges and the Future of the Restoration Movement,” while former GLCC faculty member (and former Kentucky Christian University president) Dr. Keith Keeran spoke on “P. H. Welshimer—the Conscience of a Movement.”

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Medical teams from two U.S. churches screened nearly 350 Kenyan students for dental, health, and vision problems. The students attend Missions of Hope International schools. The medical teams were from Rocky Mountain Christian Church, Niwot, Colo., and Third City Christian Church, Grand Island, Neb. Read more at CMF’s website.

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On the eve of Kentucky’s gubernatorial election, a story headlined “The faith-story background of Beshear and Bevin” was published online by Forward Kentucky, a website that touts itself as “the progressive voice for Kentucky politics.” Among other things, the story said incumbent Governor Matt Bevin (a Republican) attends Louisville’s Southeast Christian Church—one of our largest churches—while his opponent, Kentucky Attorney General Andy Beshear (a Democrat) is a member and deacon with Louisville’s Beargrass Christian Church, a Disciples of Christ congregation. The reporter attended services at both churches on Oct. 27. President Donald Trump came out strongly in support of Bevin. Initial election results indicate Beshear is leading by about 5,000 votes. Beshear declared victory, but Bevin has not conceded.

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Jack Evans Sr., 81, who served as president of Southwestern Christian College, Terrell, Texas, for 50 years (1967 to 2017), died on Friday, the Christian Chronicle reported. SCC was founded in 1948 as an institution for training African-American, noninstrumental church of Christ leaders.

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Casas por Cristo—a mission organization that builds homes for those in need in Mexico and elsewhere—lists several internship opportunities on its website.

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Paula White, a Pentecostal minister, televangelist, and longtime adviser to President Donald Trump, is heading up the White House’s Faith and Opportunity Initiative, Christianity Today reported. The initiative coordinates outreach to religious communities.

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Executive Pastor Online has provided a series of articles to “Help with the Annual Budget.”

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