27 March, 2025

CCU Faculty, Staff Relief Fund Started on GoFundMe

by | 18 December, 2019 | 0 comments

Three graduates of Cincinnati Christian University have started a GoFundMe page for CCU faculty and staff who are now in need due to the closing of the university.

Former Christian Standard editor Mark A. Taylor, The Lookout editor Shawn McMullen, and Linda Mirante, who serves in ministry with Bachelor Creek Church in Wabash, Ind., started the page Tuesday for CCU workers who are “receiving their last paycheck this week.”

The appeal states, “Many of these faithful servants still do not have jobs; at least several are left with no income. With the closing of the school, employees have no severance, little or no unemployment, [and] no opportunity to sign up for Cobra health insurance. Let’s help them—and thank them—while they’re looking for employment.”

“Your gift today will provide income, express our appreciation for all they’ve given, [and] give us a way to thank God for what CCU has meant in our lives.”

The goal is $25,000. As of 10:15 a.m. Wednesday, the page had raised $2,680.


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