27 March, 2025

Kairos Church Planting Names Clark as New Director (Plus News Briefs)

by | 15 January, 2020 | 0 comments

Compiled by Chris Moon and Jim Nieman

Kairos Church Planting has named Ron Clark, of Portland, Ore., as its new executive director. Clark brings more than 30 years of ministry experience to the job, including 13 years as a lead church planter.


Clark has served as lead minister with Agape Church of Christ since planting it in 2006. He also serves as an adjunct instructor and dissertation adviser for Portland Seminary and co-chairs the New Testament section of the Society of Biblical Literature’s Northwest region. Ron and Lori Clark have been married 32 years.

Stan Granberg, founding director of Kairos, called Clark “a dynamic kingdom veteran. I am utterly excited and completely confident that Ron is God’s man for Kairos.” Granberg led Kairos for 15 years, concluding at the end of last year.

The Clarks have a long appreciation for the work of Kairos, saying the organization gave them a “second wind” in ministry. “The hard training, testing, and preparation from the Kairos labs provided us a chance to not only lead new people closer to Jesus, but develop an aggressive theology of outreach and love to our changing culture.”

Clark said of his Kairos leadership: “My hope is to see 100 new churches planted during my service and leadership and to see us develop Christian leaders who engage our culture, practice hands-on ministry, and proclaim a gospel that transforms others into disciples of Jesus.”

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The 43rd annual Woman’s World Conference sponsored by Manhattan (Kan.) Christian College is set for Feb. 28 and 29. “Adventure Awaits” is the theme. Ashley McNary, an author who helped launch and helps lead Heartland Community Church, Sun Prairie, Wis., with her husband, Jon, will be the keynote speaker. All conference events will take place at Kansas State University Student Union. Learn more at mccks.edu.

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First Christian Church in Columbus, Ind., has received a $5,000 grant to help make repairs to the tower skylight in the historic church. The “sacred places” grant came from Indiana Landmarks, a statewide nonprofit preservation organization, and is part of an effort to save structures in the state that have community significance, according to WBIW.com. FCC, designed by architect Eliel Saarinen, was built in 1942. Indiana Landmarks gave out more than $175,000 in grants to assist preservation efforts. (We wrote about First Christian Church, and specifically a skylight repair project, back in November 2018.)

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Maritime Christian College of Charlottetown, P. E. I., Canada, has scheduled discussion forums at sites on Prince Edward Island (Friday and Saturday), in Nova Scotia (Jan. 31 and Feb. 1), and in New Brunswick (Feb. 21, 22).

“We have been working hard on a new strategic direction to be in the best position to serve local churches and help make disciples who make disciples,” MCC wrote. “Our desire at these meetings is to have an open dialog about MCC’s plans and our desire to serve churches in the Maritimes.” Learn more at mccpei.com.

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An organic food market is partnering with 2|42 Community Church in Brighton, Mich., to open a new café in the church’s community center. The Simply Fresh Café is slated to launch this month.

“Having the café gives us an opportunity to provide nutrition in a safe place,” Angela Hardesty, 2|42’s controller, told the Livingston Daily. “The church’s mission is about helping people take their next steps. In this case, it’s about eating healthier.” 2|42 seeks to improve the community through local partnerships.

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Dr. Timothy Dally has been selected as the next dean of Hope International University‘s Pacific Christian College of Ministry and Biblical Studies. Dally has served as Professor of biblical studies at HIU for the past four years and will assume the role of dean on June 1. He succeeds Dr. Joseph Grana, who will transition into semi-retirement after serving HIU for more than 30 years as professor and dean.

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Compassion Christian Church‘s downtown Savannah, Ga., campus plans to move into an old mattress factory building by June; it will be the campus’s first permanent home in its 20-year history.

Compassion has seven campuses in Savannah, Rincon, Midway, and Statesboro, Ga. WJCL says the Downtown Savannah Campus is the only one that hasn’t had a permanent facility. The Downtown Campus recently held its third, and final, Christmas Eve service at the Savannah Theater.

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Ozark Christian College will host a “Rise Up” women’s event April 3 and 4 featuring Lori Wilhite, founder of leadingandlovingit.com and wife of Jud Wilhite, senior pastor of Central Church in Las Vegas, Nev. The theme will be “Lessons from Ezra: Walking with Your Head Held High.” Learn more at occ.edu.

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The Western Canadian Leadership Summit will take place March 30 to April 1 at Alberta Bible College and at a yet-to-be-determined site in Calgary. The summit will feature Jeff Christopherson, co-executive director of the Send Institute and the author of several books. Learn more at www.abccampus.ca.

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