27 March, 2025

Milligan's Webb Lectures to Feature Austin Gohn (Plus News Briefs)

by | 26 February, 2020 | 0 comments


Compiled by Jim Nieman and Chris Moon

Austin Gohn will speak on “Finding My Roots in the Stone-Campbell Movement as a 20-Something Pastor” and “Three Movements that Will Shape the Stone-Campbell Movement in the Next Decade” at Milligan College’s annual Webb Lecture Series at 11 a.m. March 3 and 5, respectively.

Coming up in June, Gohn will be writing about the near-term future of the Restoration Movement for Christian Standard.

Gohn serves as lead pastor at Bellevue Christian Church in Pittsburgh. He also serves as a ministry coach for Milligan’s Ministry Leadership Program.

Milligan’s Webb Lecture Series is named for the late Dr. Henry and Emerald Webb. Dr. Webb served as a professor of Bible at Milligan for more than 40 years.

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News Briefs

The Disciples of Christ Historical Society is reviving Discipliana as a scholarly and fully refereed journal sponsored by the society. The new title will be The Journal of Discipliana and it will be located solely online. Mark G. Toulouse, emeritus professor of American religious history at Brite Divinity School, will serve as general editor.

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Jim Penhollow, who oversaw 66 church starts while serving with East 91st Street Christian Church in Indianapolis, died Feb. 12. Penhollow and his wife, Leslie, later served part-time on the staff of the Christian Evangelistic Association, which plants churches in the Northwest.

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An open house reception Sunday afternoon will honor the 25th anniversary of John Robinson‘s service as senior pastor with Gate City Christian Church, Chubbuck, Idaho. Robinson first served as elder with the church. The Idaho State Journal wrote a feature story about Robinson.

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A neighbor started a Facebook fund-raiser to help repair stained glass windows at Agape Christian Church in Denver, Colo. Agape’s building is 133 years old.

“They are more than just a church,” the neighbor, Bradley Joseph, told KDVR.com. “They do a lot of community outreach with the kitchen and by providing housing for people just out of prison.”

History Colorado’s State Historical Fund has authorized a $40,000 grant for the repairs, but $4,000 in additional matching funds must be raised by Sunday for the church to qualify.

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Berlin Christian Church minister Warren Brosi was among those who participated in a memorial service for six people interred in a crypt at the Oak Ridge Cemetery Abbey in Springfield, Ill., according to the State Journal-Register. None of the six had family who could be found.

“They were God’s children, created in his image, full of value,” Brosi said during the ceremony. “And how we honor our dead shows how we value life.”

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David Allgire, executive pastor of campuses and generations at Compassion Christian Church in Savannah, Ga., co-wrote an op-ed piece published in The Hill that urged federal lawmakers to bolster funding for Gavi, a global vaccine alliance. Allgire co-authored the article with a United Methodist Church minister.

Vaccinations for the world’s poorest citizens is a key element of compassion within U.S. foreign policy, the pastors wrote.

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East 91st Street Christian Church in Indianapolis helped reconnect the founder of a professional wrestling ministry in Indianapolis with his Christian faith. A local magazine—Current—wrote a feature story about Wrestling Theology and its founder, Rich Abbott, who organizes WWE-style wrestling matches interspersed with messages about the Christian faith.

Abbott rediscovered Christianity during a church service in 2011 at East 91st Street Christian Church. The pastor at that time was Daron Earlewine. Later, Abbott came up with the idea for Wrestling Theology while in a discipleship group with Earlewine.

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