27 March, 2025

Scholarship Honors Mike & Sharon Bell (Plus News Briefs)

by | 5 February, 2020 | 0 comments

Compiled by Chris Moon and Jim Nieman

Glendale (Ky.) Christian Church has established the Mike and Sharon Bell Scholarship to ensure a legacy of their kindness. Mike now serves as executive minister with GCC and has been with the church for 50 years. Sharon, his wife, passed away in 2015.

The couple met at Louisville Bible College in 1965, married the next year, and moved to Glendale in 1970, according to an article in the News-Enterprise. The Bells impacted the entire community through their many civic activities.

“Hardin County’s excellent reputation throughout the commonwealth is due in large part to the many contributions they have made to our county,” Hardin County Judge-Executive Harry Berry told the newspaper.

The endowment fund will award a scholarship annually to a student served by Hardin County Water District No. 2 or actively involved in Glendale Christian Church.

“The number of young people that this couple has impacted over the last 50 years in Hardin County would be hard to measure,” said Tim Isaacs, who serves as chairman of the Glendale church’s board.

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News Briefs

Third City Christian Church in Grand Island, Neb., held an educational event to educate the public about sex trafficking.

The church partnered with the “Set Me Free” project to show parents how sex trafficking occurs in local communities, including how sexual predators use social media to build relationships with children. About 200 parents attended the event.

“There was a felt need for this sort of equipping and training and information,” Third City student ministry director Parker Loghry told NTV.

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First Christian Church in Cassville, Mo., opened the cornerstone of its building to commemorate the 50 years since the church building was constructed.

Pastor Chuck Terrill was among leaders who removed the cornerstone of the church, which revealed a special edition of the local newspaper, the Cassville Democrat, that chronicled the opening of the new church building. The newspaper was dated Jan. 13, 1971.

The newspaper was the only item stored behind the church cornerstone.

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Boise Bible College is celebrating “75 Years of Equipping” by sharing the histories (and legacies) of some of its earliest graduates, including graduate No. 1, Norma Perry, class of 1950. Another post at boisebible.edu describes the impact of graduates 8, 9, and 12: Richard “Dick” Scott, James Weldon, and Stacy Marriott, respectively.

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Celtic Christian Mission will sponsor a Celtic Christian Ireland Tour from July 10 to 18. It will be hosted by Dr. Rick Cherok, professor of history at Ozark Christian College and executive director of CCM. Group size is limited to 15 participants. In addition to visits to Dublin, Belfast, and Armagh, the tour will explore sites associated with C.S. Lewis and others. The $2,210 cost includes round-trip airfare from Chicago and much more. Contact [email protected] for a tour application and additional information.

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Central Christian College of the Bible, Moberly, Mo., will begin offering its first graduate degree, the Master of Arts in Ministry Leadership, when classes start next fall. The program recently gained national accreditation approval by the Association of Biblical Higher Education. The degree is offered in partnership with Hope International University, Fullerton, Calif. Learn more at cccb.edu.

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“Children may be small, [but] they carry big weight when it comes to family decisions about where to worship,” Barna reports. A survey of “highly engaged” Christian parents who have at least one child ages 6 to 12 found 58 percent said children’s programming was a primary reason they chose their current church.

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First Christian Church, Elizabethtown, Ky., will host IF:Elizabethtown this weekend. The livestream simulcast of the IF:Gathering in Dallas is a two-day experience for women to learn more about who God is and what he is calling them to do with their lives.

The News-Enterprise wrote a feature story about Emily Fox, who started the local simulcast gathering in her basement shortly after moving to the Elizabethtown area in 2014. Ministry leaders from several area churches now work together to stage the event.

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