27 March, 2025

Leaders Encouraged to Participate in our Annual Church Survey

by | 11 January, 2021 | 0 comments

How do we gauge what exactly happened in our churches during 2020 and what is the best course of action as we endeavor to resume face-to-face community during this new year? A good first step is to share your church’s experience with us via Christian Standard’s annual survey of Christian churches and churches of Christ.

“Capturing the stories and statistics from 2020 is vital for us to gauge the true impact of the pandemic on our churches and establish baselines to measure future growth and changes,” said Kent Fillinger, who has been conducting our annual survey for more than a dozen years. “This year’s survey has been revised to better reflect the uniqueness of church ministry in 2020. So your participation this year is more important than ever.”

Churches of all sizes are encouraged to participate. Data will be shared online and in a print issue of the magazine. As an added bonus, participating church leaders will be emailed the survey’s results one month before the print issue is published.

Please click here to participate. We will be collecting data through Jan. 25.


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