27 March, 2025

News Briefs for Jan. 27

by | 27 January, 2021 | 0 comments

Stadia Church Planting shared a video highlighting multiple achievements attained during the challenging year of 2020. Among those successes: Stadia planted 98 U.S. churches and 280 global churches (making a total of 1,256 Stadia churches since 2003); 83 new church planters were recommended for church planting; 1,155 women were served through Stadia’s Bloom: Church Planting Women; and 2,000 more children were sponsored through Stadia global partnerships (bringing the total to 48,720 since sponsorships began). View the video at stadiachurchplanting.org.

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LifeVenture Group, a new ministry devoted to offering people new life in Jesus, is actively engaging with international partners in Russian-speaking countries and beyond to launch life-giving ventures that offer the good news of Jesus to unreached people. Executive director Scott LaRue shares more about LifeVenture via a YouTube video. Connect with LifeVenture via the group’s website.

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Ron Peters, New Testament professor at Great Lakes Christian College, has launched a YouTube Channel called Radio Free Ecclesia. The goal of the broadcast is to encourage Christians to view their entire lives in terms of their citizenship in God’s kingdom. To find the underground broadcast, search “Radio Free Ecclesia” on YouTube.

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Clifton (Colo.) Christian Church and the Food Bank of the Rockies team up for a drive-through food pantry the fourth Saturday of each month.

“Those in need wait in line in their cars as volunteers fill boxes with meat, produce and everything in between,” the Daily Sentinel reported.

About 40 volunteers participated in the most recent event; the drive-through averages about 300 to 500 cars per event. The church also has pantries on Wednesdays and Fridays. CCC served about 33,000 individuals in 11,000 households during 2020, according to Jackie Feaster, director of food and clothing at CCC.

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In December, Kentucky Christian University‘s accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools was reaffirmed for 10 years. KCU writes, “This reaffirmation signifies that our accreditor believes that we are fiscally sound and faithfully completing our mission.”

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Former White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson, 53, recently elected U.S. representative from Texas’s 13th Congressional District, offered his reflections on the Jan. 6 storming of the U.S. Capitol for a recent article in the Christian Chronicle. The congressman also participated in a Q&A interview.

Jackson—a retired U.S. Navy rear admiral who served Presidents George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump—is a lifelong member of noninstrumental churches of Christ. Jackson, a Trump supporter, conceded that the president’s administration “ended on a bad note.”

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The Men’s Day and Ladies’ Day events scheduled at St. Louis Christian College in March and April, respectively, have been canceled due to coronavirus restrictions. The annual events, which support student scholarships, are expected to resume in 2022.

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