Milligan University recognized the achievements of numerous alumni and friends during its annual “Celebrate Milligan” dinner on Oct. 28, according to

Milligan’s Distinguished Alumnus Award was presented to Roger Babik, founder of Master Provisions. Babik graduated from Milligan in 1979 with a major in business administration and economics. In 1994, Babik’s life and career drastically changed when a friend sought his assistance in supporting Ukrainians after the fall of communism. Babik responded by founding the nonprofit Master Provisions to provide for those in need. Two years later, he stepped away from a 17-year telecommunications career to follow a call to full-time ministry.
Babik has led 49 international mission trips with Master Provisions, and the nonprofit began addressing local hunger needs in 2013. Master Provisions now serves more than 68,000 people monthly, has over 200 local partnerships, and supports 8 international ministries.
Among others who were honored:
• Milligan’s Heritage Award for selfless dedication to the university was presented to the Phillips and Magness families. Jim Magness served on Milligan’s board of trustees from 1977 to 1982. Dr. Calvin Phillips served as an initial adviser, a trustee, and as president of what is now Emmanuel Christian Seminary at Milligan University. Their children, Lee and Pat, met as students at Milligan, married, and later returned as longtime faculty members. Their son, Ethan, is an alum who continues to serve the university while ministering with First Christian Church in Johnson City. Betsy, Ethan’s wife, also is an alum. Their sons, Evan and Bryant, currently are students.
• Dr. Jason Derry (1996) and Suzanne Lake Nadell (1997) received the Professional Excellence Award. Derry is associate general counsel with Synthego, a genome engineering platform company, while Nadell serves as the news director at WSB-TV in Atlanta.
• The Athletics Hall of Fame Award inducted the 1998-99 women’s basketball team and staff. That team finished with a record of 32-4.
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News Briefs
Passion for Planting invites anyone who feels called to plant a church to their next Church Planter Boot Camp from Jan. 12 to 14 in Chantilly, Va. At the gathering, seasoned church planters will share wisdom and equip prospective planters with tools that will help them plant a healthy, multiplying church. The training combines online self-paced study, in-person instruction, and monthly virtual follow-up sessions. Registration costs increase Dec. 1 and again on Jan. 1. If you are planning to bring your spouse or teammates, ask about a group discount. For more information, email [email protected].
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John W. Maurice, president of Mid-Atlantic Christian University and a retired Navy commander and chaplain with 24 years of service, was keynote speaker at a special pre-Veterans Day event on Thursday at Veterans Park, Elizabeth City, N.C. The event was co-hosted by MACU, College of The Albemarle, Elizabeth City State University, and local members of the U.S. Coast Guard, the Daily Advance reported.
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In recent days, Johnson University shared via Facebook posts the stories of three JU alumni who are now teaching at Christian colleges. (The posts are based on an article in the recent Johnson Magazine.)
Mark Hahlen graduated in 1982 and has taught at Dallas Christian College for 30 years.
Joseph Mueller graduated in 2007 and now teaches at Manhattan Christian College.
Blair Wilgus graduated in 2000 and has served with Hope International University since 2011.
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Richard Jones, chief operating officer of Maritime Christian College in Charlottetown, PEI, Canada, recently shared the institution’s vision for the coming decade.
“MCC’s purpose is this,” Jones writes in the Maritime Messenger. “We exist to biblically educate and equip people to become disciples of Jesus who make disciples. So with our purpose as a starting point, here is our dream for what will have happened at [MCC] as it prepares for the fall 2032 semester, a decade in the future. . . .” [Download the Messenger here, or read MCC’s vision statement at its website,]
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Athletes from Jennings County High School answered the call to help fill Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes at First Christian Church of North Vernon, the Madison (Ind.) Courier reported.
“Throughout the year, our church members gather school supplies, toys, and hygiene items, and we need help getting the boxes filled before collection week,” which started Monday, said Diane Sarver of FCC.
Sarver contacted Kristi Sigler, who coaches the girls’ basketball team at the high school. Also assisting were boys on the baseball team, coached by B.J. Sigler. All totaled, on Nov. 6, almost 30 volunteers from the squads helped pack more than 850 gift boxes for children in need from around the world. Ladies from the church made lunch for the students.
Operation Christmas Child, a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse, hopes to collect enough gift-filled shoeboxes to reach 11 million children this year.
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“In 2021, a nurse named Ginny administered monoclonal antibodies to Andrew Darden, minister of Steeles Chapel Christian Church in Corbin, Kentucky,” Outreach magazine reported this week. Darden had contracted COVID-19.
“A few months later, Darden was able to thank Ginny in person as he offered her a box lunch,” the article continued. “The opportunity came when Steeles Chapel, along with four other small local churches, provided lunch to more than 700 health-care workers at Baptist Health Corbin hospital.”
The idea for the lunch came from Tom Cassidy, treasurer with West Corbin Christian Church. WCCC’s minister, Eddie Hammond, reached out to four other churches; all of them agreed to pool their resources to thank the health-care workers.
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The Lady Thunder volleyball team from Manhattan (Kan.) Christian College is the No. 1 seed in the NCCAA DII National Championship tournament that begins Thursday at Johnson University Florida in Kissimmee. MCC will play No. 8 seed JUF in the opening match at 9:30 a.m.
MCC’s squad won the Southwest Regional Championship on Nov. 7. Their record is 26-4.
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The Cheer Gems, a cheerleading squad for children with Down syndrome and their siblings, meets to practice at New Beginning Christian Church in Tampa, Fla. The squad was featured on this week. Cheer Gems was started by GiGi’s Playhouse, an achievement center for children with Down syndrome and their families.
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