By Doug Redford
1. How did your “living by the light” project go this past week? Do you think you made progress in changing areas of behavior that needed change? If it helps, begin keeping a journal to help track your progress and to mark areas where prayer is especially needed.
2. As you were growing up, were there certain people whom you tended not to associate with? What were the reasons?
Ask two people to read aloud John 4:4-26, one after the other, preferably from different Bible versions. Then ask a third person to briefly summarize the passage.
3. What details in today’s lesson text provide insight into the humanity of Jesus? What details highlight his divinity?
4. What are some indicators that today’s culture is thirsty for the “living water” that only Jesus can provide?
5. Give three words that would describe the Samaritan woman before she met Jesus. Then give three words that would describe her after she met Jesus.
6. What do you think it means to worship “in Spirit and in truth”?
7. What is the most meaningful worship experience you have been a part of? What made it so?
8. David Faust notes how little hinges can open big doors. What are some events or encounters that may have seemed insignificant at the time they happened to you, but in time became life-changing?
9. Based on our study and discussion, complete the sentence: “I will . . .”
10. The Samaritan woman’s life was “messy,” as David Faust puts it. Do you know someone (in your family, in your neighborhood, through work, school, or your daily contacts) whose life could be described with that word? What can you do to help brighten that person’s life, especially during this Christmas season?
For Next Week: Read and reflect on John 1:1-18. You can also read next week’s supplemental texts as well as the Study and Application sections as part of your personal study.