20 February, 2025

Let’s Talk About . . . ‘The Chosen’ (Season 4, Episodes 1-3)

by | 2 February, 2024 | 32 comments

We typically review movies in this format, but today is our third article reviewing a streaming series about the life of Jesus. As always, we provide talking points and questions to help explore spiritual topics and to share your faith experience with family and friends. 

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The Chosen (Season 4, Episodes 1-3) 

Unrated • 2024 • Historical Drama • 8 1-hour episodes 

Starring: Jonathan Roumie, Elizabeth Tabish, Paras Patel, Shahar Isaac 

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By Andrew Wood 

The Chosen is an immensely popular multi-season series depicting the life of Jesus and his disciples. It’s a story well-known to most Christians, but the fanciful dramatic backstories it weaves make the gospel feel fresh and new even to those who have grown up in Sunday school. The first three episodes of season 4 premiered as a cinematic release on Thursday, Feb. 1, and the remaining episodes will premier later this month before all are released for streaming. 


Seasons 1-3 of The Chosen chronicle Jesus’ rise to celebrity status, including his remarkable preaching, miracles, and the call of his disciples. The series sets up rich storylines weaving together the disciples and the Jewish and Roman authorities as they try to make sense of this enigmatic new teacher and the upheaval he brings to their lives.  

Most of this material is fictional, so the viewer needs to suspend disbelief of some of the scenarios and follow the story more with an eye to what Jesus says and does, which is closer to the actual Gospel accounts, than the imaginary details of some of the dramatic storylines. 

Season 4 takes a much darker turn. John the Baptist has been arrested and meets his tragic end, foreshadowing the fate Jesus himself will suffer at the end of his life. The disciples contend with conflicts and jealousies among themselves and must learn unfamiliar qualities of humility and forgiveness. Jesus’ teachings and miracles are polarizing society to such an extent that the authorities are moving toward forceful intervention. And Jesus’ own actions seem almost deliberately designed to make things worse, to the confusion and dismay of his own disciples. 


As in earlier seasons, light and humorous moments pervade Season 4, humanizing the characters and relieving some of the tension of the serious and tragic events unfolding around them.  

Matthew (Paras Patel) is a consistently endearing and relatable character with his earnest sincerity and nerdy awkwardness. A love story between Thomas (Joey Vahedi) and his love interest, Ramah (Yasmine Al-Bustami), provides charming comic relief as the disciples take turns mentoring and chaperoning them.  

Jesus (Jonathan Roumie) never disappoints. Roumie’s portrayal of the Messiah strikes the right tone of authority and approachability. His patience, bemusement, and empathy for the disciples is palpable. The dialogue is peppered with modern expressions like, “You wouldn’t get it” and “I got you,” which help make the characters accessible to a modern audience. 


More than that, the situations themselves presented in the series are immensely relatable. We see how Jesus helps his followers process grief and loss, and how he gently but insistently motivates them to forgive one another.  

The disciples must make a decision to continue following Jesus even when he doesn’t do what they expect, and when the blessings of healing and resources he showers on others don’t spare them from hard work and tragedy.  

And they must also learn to do things Jesus’ way even when they can imagine ways to accomplish things more efficiently with a different strategy, organizational model, or fundraising. These are lessons modern Christians desperately need to hear and assimilate. 


The Chosen was financed through crowdfunding. That is, people who believe in the project send online donations to fund its production and distribution. This allows the final product to be available worldwide for free online streaming, thus getting the message out to the greatest possible audience. Making a choice to see it in theaters first not only adds to the full-immersion dramatic impact of the film, it also helps to fund future episodes. 

Season 4, episodes 1-3 are currently available in theaters. Episodes 4-6 will premier Feb. 15, and episodes 7-8 will be in theaters Feb. 29. The most convenient way to stream the series online is through the app: “The Chosen: Stream the Series.” You can even cast it on your TV for your family or small group to watch together. 

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If you’d like to take your discussion of this series with others to a deeper level, try some of these questions: 

The Chosen takes quite a few creative liberties. What are some areas where it would be most important for people to understand the difference between fiction and the actual Gospel accounts? 

• Which of the disciples do you most identify with in the series? How does Jesus’ interaction with them enhance your sense of connection with him? 

• If you had lived in Jesus’ day, what obstacles would have prevented you from following him unreservedly? Are any of those obstacles in your life today? 

• Who in your life could most benefit from watching The Chosen? What one thing could you say to them that best summarizes the value of this series to you? 

Andrew Wood, a former missionary to Ukraine and professor at Nebraska Christian College, is a freelance writer.

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Read Andrew Wood’s earlier reviews of this series: 

• Let’s Talk About . . . ‘The Chosen’ (Seasons 1-2)

• Let’s Talk About . . . ‘The Chosen’ (Season 3, Episodes 1-2)


  1. Paul Coffel

    My friend and I were discussing The Chosen, Season 4, Episode 3. Just about all of what we have seen in The Chosen has been biblically accurate. Obviously there are many small additions to provide context, humanness. But the story of Thomas and Ramah left us concerned. We see nothing of this story in the Bible. We were actually debating the aspect of Jesus “choosing” not to heal her would damage his credibility to those watching the show to learn about who Jesus is. Are you aware of this Thomas/Ramah story in any other writings?

  2. Kay Coker

    I share Paul’s concerns about the amount of time devoted to a love story that is not biblical. For u believer’s viewing this episode it will be seen as truth when it is not.

  3. margaret waterford

    who is Abner in Ep1 season 4

  4. MP

    The whole Ramah storyline takes Jesus completely out of character for me. The shepherd leads the sheep to Calvary. The sheep are not struck because of the shepherd

    Goes against his Jesus’ own words: “While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.” John 17: 12

    “If you are looking for me, then let these men go. This happened so that the words he had spoken would be fulfilled: “I have not lost one of those you gave me.” John 18: 8-9

  5. Holly Miller

    I have chosen not to watch The Chosen. I am in love with God’s Word because It is alive and active and powerful and God’s true love story and love letter to me. The more I am in it, the more I want to be in it. My life time isn’t even long enough to find all of the treasures in God’s Word, so I wanna spend my time in it alone. I want only God’s truth in my heart and mind.

  6. Shane Linder

    I was surprised The Chosen played out the Catholic interpretation that Peter is the “rock” given Protestants have disagreed with that interpretation dating back to Martin Luther. The Chosen has, however, shown Mother Mary to be as Protestants believe – the opposite of Catholic teachings.

  7. Natalie Thorman

    I thought The Chosen was as close to the Bible but the end with Thomas and Ramah, it was made up. That part was disappointing and I feel was thrown in there for theatrics not what the Bible says.

  8. Maria Roche

    I think Ramah was created to give a boost to (doubting) Thomas in his faith. You can see that from the wedding in Cana (in previous seasons). There are a number of little things that are in the show, but, not in the bible, but I find them somehow connect us in our time with Jesus. Ramah’s character had to be eliminated hence it was done. I think it’s part of story-telling. I admire Dallas’ writing, adding a little here and there to make it interesting (it’s only a show) and well done!

  9. Charlotte Purcell

    People. The Chosen series for me is an intimate look into Jesus. Please. Do not get caught up in what is not biblical. Ex:Thomas and Ramah. We are told story lines will be part of this story. If you are a reader of the Bible then you know what is biblical. And how wonderful it is to understand what is happening because we have read His word. How about Moses forming the golden snake. Lane being sold that will be the place for the woman at the well. For the non-believers this is an opportunity to teach and reach them! Please. Let’s all focus on the beauty of Jesus Story! I am drawn into the episodes. Everytime. I am a pay-forward. No brag. I am called to give. This series is Priceless.

  10. Nikki

    Episode 3 of Season 4 left me anguished. It was difficult to watch & I had to force myself to get up & leave the theater. I…like Thomas, thought “FIX THIS”. I could not reconcile the decision of Jesus to let Ramah remain dead. Seeing Ramah, who so fiercely believed in Jesus & chose to leave her family to follow Him – her tiny lifeless body lying on the ground did not make sense. She was so devoted to Jesus that even her last words to Thomas pleaded “Stay with Him. That is what I want. Stay with him.” I wonder what the Apostles reactions to her horrible, senseless death will be? Knowing that the resurrection of Lazarus is coming, how does one accept the healing of some & not others. That Jesus raises his best childhood friend from death – but not Ramah? I love Jesus, my Lord & Savior, with all my heart, yet I have difficulty with unanswered prayers. Unanswered requests. I am going through a lot of loss in my family right now. I know not to lean on my own understanding. I’ve been taught to trust & have faith. I do not ever want my Jesus & Lord to feel I am unfaithful or disloyal, but I have to numb myself to losses & the unanswered prayers. It is so difficult to separate what I’ve been taught & what I know vs what my heart feels. Does anyone have any words of advice?

  11. Dawson

    The Thomas and Ramah plotline is definitely not biblical. But then again, nothing in the show is completely accurate to the scriptures and certainly will not meet everyone’s interpretation of it’s passages. But that’s not the point of the show. The point of this series is not to be a replacement to scripture or even a supplement to it, but rather as a way to help non-believers encounter Christianity and give believers a new perspective on the ministry of Christ. And Nikki, I will be praying for you sister, my only advice is to trust in the word of the Lord in Romans 8, “and we know that the Lord causes all things to work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Do not trust in our finite knowledge and perspective, but rather in the one whom true knowledge and perspective comes from. May God be with you and Christ in you

  12. Amy Schrader

    A dear friend and I saw episodes 1-3 tonight. I also left the theater disturbed, but that may be part of the purpose. It forces conversation. We had to go talk about what we saw, and it opened up some realizations for both of us that following Jesus will eventually cost each of us something.That loving Jesus does not exempt us from suffering and experiencing loss. This is an idea as old as the book of Job. Jesus Himself also suffered loss during his 3 year ministry, including the loss of his cousin John, which hurt Him deeply. He could have just as easily raised John from the dead, but He did not. Yet when we read the gospels, we see that Jesus experienced grief over this loss. I believe God is using the storytelling in this series to deepen our understanding of our own walk with Jesus and strengthen our ability to let Him hold onto us, even and especially when we don’t understand what He is or isn’t doing in our lives.

  13. John

    Who was the baby that died?
    Was it a flash back from the past?

  14. Denise

    John, the baby was King David & Bathsheba’s. See 2 Samuel 11 &12 in the Bible. They sinned against God, so God took their son.
    Nikki, I’m so sorry for your loss. Praying for you now. Healing can be here on earth in our physical bodies or when our physical bodies die, to go be with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
    To live is Christ, to die is gain. Philippians 1:21.
    None of us know when our last day on earth is. In can be anywhere from conception to a very old age.

    God bless you all!

  15. kisyjjlzaloznieuhc@ckptr.com

    Well this a triple bummer, spoiler alert everywhere on the net for episode 3 (S4) while Melbourne Australia cinemas only showed 1&2, watched yesterday, then ready for another binge of 3&4 and today the cinema told me most cinemas in Melbourne, Australia have only shown the first 2 (season 4) and no more, where I watch episode 3 for Melbourne, Australia & then the rest?

  16. Eric

    I watched season 4, episodes 1-3. I wasn’t particularly disturbed by the Thomas-Rhama plot though I thought it was a bit distracting at times.
    What I was disappointed with was the lack of accuracy in the healing of the blind man scene. The scene’s setting was completely wrong! It is one thing to add background plots to flesh out the story line but to take an actual event and then to change it is really to distort the truth.
    The healing of the blind man took place in Jerusalem, not in Capernaum. Jesus specifically asked the blind man to go wash in the pool of Siloam (John 9:7) not in some bucket sitting nearby. The blind man never saw Jesus until sometime after he returned from washing.
    I liked this series and have watched it from the start. But I disagree with changing actual scripture accounts.

  17. Terry

    My wife and I had plans to see The Chosen episodes 1-3 at the theater yesterday for Valentine’s Day.
    However, we had an emergency plumbing issue and were unable to attend.
    What is the earliest and how can we view these episodes?
    Are we able to purchase them on Angel Studio’s streaming channel?
    Please advise.

  18. Linda Ko

    Was the prayer they said at the Lord’s Supper. Was that in the Bible?
    If so, where?

  19. Donna Gause

    I didn’t get to watch episodes1-3 at the theater and so now that 4-6 have already come out, it doesn’t make sense to watch them before seeing the first 3 episodes. This leaves others like me out and lost ticket sales because I’m sure there are others like me that would go to see the new episodes but we haven’t seen the first ones yet.

  20. George Buckley

    I agree with Donna. We missed several attempts to see Episodes 1-3. And do not want to see Season 4 episodes 4-6 without seeing the first 3. Will Guild members get early access to the Season? Is there any way to see the first three episodes before 4-6 leave the theater?

  21. Jhonny

    Hi George same here. Hope there is a way to watch episode 1-3 of season 4 so that we can chance to see 4-6 in theatres.

  22. Patty

    I watched the first three seasons and I loved everything about it. I keep hearing Jesus say “come follow me.” Even tho I have loved Jesus all my life (since 13 and I am 66 now) I want to be a better person and I want Jesus in my life daily. I love Jesus in the movie (such a great person) and all the others. I am a better person today because of Jesus. I love Jesus in the movies. He is so good and please thank everyone you played or put together these movies. I pray that our Lord will bless you all for making these movies. God bless you and may God bless you with many blessings. Love you all so much. I am watching seasons 1,2,3 again for the third time. Jesus is so good in the movies and he has done such a great job. Thank you for sharing the Bible with everyone.

  23. Arianna

    The characters I relate to the most is Simon and Mary Magdalen because the way that Jesus tested their faith by putting them through different challenges and how they face their trials in different way so I feel like every time I see them it reminds me of the things I have to face my own things in life and how Jesus is dealing with me and still pushing closer to him more than ever

  24. Mari Adams

    This is what happens when you go from non profit status to PROFIT STATUS. We all loved The Chosen until Disney and Hollywood were involved. It was horrible what they did with Jesus’s character, him choosing to heal little James and then Ramah. We all were anxious expecting a beautiful wedding and then we get slapped in the face by Jesus. I hope the money was worth it Dallas. I will never watch any of your productions again!

  25. Mari Adams

    He did NOT HEAL little James or Ramah. What a slap in the face by Jesus! Thats Hollywood!

  26. Sandra Doreen Sanchez

    I loved everything about The Chosen. I appreciate all of casts hard work and effort that we’re involved in this film. I related to many of the characters in their own natural unique way. There were so many feelings touched sad happy thrilled upset laughs. My favorite was the special bond Jesus shared his time with his disciples friends who trusted and believed and were amazed by him . Jesus taught so much of the truth and lessons to all mostly his love for all God’s children on earth . Let’s keep following his words and believing in him . Share stories when you felt the holy Spirit when we needed healing and growth. Forever have faith and not let that go ,even with difficult times in our lives all the tests and trials we go through on life. Always keep your faith trust in our Lord always. Blessings to all& much love!

  27. Jill Ellis

    Episode 3 of Season 4 was very powerful and extremely well written to me. As an individual who has had to make sense of sudden death of close family members, this episode was very impactful. I wept like a child. I have had family members there one day and dead the next. The fictional story of Ramah and Thomas shows a savior Jesus Christ who is there when our world does fall apart and yet he is there to hold and comfort us every step of the way. Jesus is more then enough to navigate the most extremely painful steps of this life. He carries us through each day of the pain and comforts and restores us. The Lord is my shepherd. I now comfort others dealing with the same pain.

  28. Pat

    I haven’t been able to see Season 4 Episodes 1-3. So I can’t speak to the loss of Ramah.

    I’d like to speak to my experience with my husband who had cerebral palsy as a result of a birth injury. The Lord never healed him of the consequences of that injury. However, He allowed him to live a full and effective life. With obvious limitations, my husband supported his family, showed mercy and grace to others, and inspired others to overcome life’s challenges. He did all of this with wisdom and humility. Jesus’ words to little James regarding the impact James’ life would have because he would love and heal others without being healed himself reminded me of the impact my husband had without being healed. Praise the Lord. He is God and we are not. He decides whether or not healing will be the best way to reach others and He always knows best.

    My husband is in heaven and healed now. I look forward to seeing that when I am there. But he was the most whole person here on earth.

  29. Yvette

    The Disclaimer at the beginning of season one episode one needs to be repeated for people coming in later- this is a tv show for entertainment not a factual documentary. A successful TVshow makes you care about ALL the characters not just the main character. And on that note Jesus is NOT the main character – the CHOSEN 12 APOSTLES ARE – that is WHY the show is called “The Chosen” I liked how the first 2 shows Jesus doesnt even show up until the last 5 minutes of those first 2 episodes – you have to get to know the the main characters of Jesus’ future followers backstories first. I grew up on the “Jesus of Nazareth”197O’s mini-series as Dallas did and i agree with him that the 12 apostles in that show are 2 dimensional -i dont remember any of them but Peter. Dallas is making EVERY character with a backstory Memorable so naturally you care about them. So Now Ramah and Tamar represent the ‘nameless’ women followers that traveled with Jesus. Their names and backgrounds HAVE TO BE FILLED IN – this where a tv show creativity has to come in and its not adding to scripture- cuz they DID EXIST – that women were considered to be treated as equal to men was taught by Jesus BY EXAMPLE – this show actually puts that into practice by giving the women names and backstories for the first time doesnt make it unbiblical – Jesus approved of this – just society would never allow it until now on the big screen. The women that traveled with Jesus had some relationship with the Apostles we just dont know they delt with each other cuz we weren’t there but we just know they did somehow . Now the Romance between Thomas and Ramah was there BEFORE THEY MET JESUS- so it was natural to continue it- but since Peter is the only one biblically with a spouse – the character of Ramah had to go at some point- which brilliantly teaches the word faith people “NO God does NOT HEAL EVERYBODY – ITS NOT BECAUSE OF YOUR LACK OF FAITH IN EVERY INSTANCE – God has a bigger picture in mind – it was best for Thomas to be a single Apostle to make him a better one- to stretch his faith (as God does with us too) not to fix everything to a ‘happy ever after’. That is for the 2nd coming -NOT the first coming or even the church age. Which ALSO gets Brilliantly taught in Chosen ‘s Christmas special – o Holy Night’ when Mary Magdalene tells Mother Mary ‘Big James is dead and they want us all dead’ which i think would be a great idea to continue “the chosen” without Johnathan Romnie (Jesus) into a season 8 into the books of Acts as all the Apostles get martyred. To show the cost of following Jesus will be that AGAIN in the 7 yr Tribulation. Also promote the “FoxesBook of Martyrs” actually that would come full circle with Dallas’ father’s “Left behind” book series that the Tribulation will be just the first century church of the books of Acts time of Christian persecution and martyrdom.

  30. Connie

    Thank you, Dallas! I am an 81 year old widow, a Christian all my life who grew up with these stories from the Bible which you have brought to life. Your imagination has enriched my life and makes me realize that each of the original disciples had his own story. Great visuals and music, love the accents, makes them more believable. Thank you again.

  31. Wendy Downey

    I think our world today needs Jesus more than ever. It is easy to be critical of details not being in scripture. The beauty is the persons viewing are driven to the Bible, the truth, to seek the Savior and understand GOD. I love that about the series. I have had losses in my life and with each one the LORD helped me grow in deeper understanding of HIM and my relationship to my LORD. At first I did not enjoy the “Chosen” because of some inconsistansies with scriptural truth, but I asked GOD for clarification and now I can enjoy the beauty of the message of GOD. “For GOD so loved the world He sent His only begotten son, so that whoever believes in Him would not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
    It is about GOD’s love. The Chosen is about our gift of Jesus, his sacrifice, and our eternal destiny.

  32. MariAbigail DyQues

    I didn’t care for The Chosen at first …however when the Master is Lord in your Spirit, Soul & Body , & HE says to do something you get the grace & just HAVE AT IT again !
    Now at 75 hrs young what sweet lessons I HAVE gleaned from our BLESSED Abba, Our Lord & The Holy Spirit!
    They are SO GRACIOUS to give grace to obey and do the WILL AND WORK
    CARRYING HIS NAME …where HE says to share!
    Thanks, Heavenly Family, for choosing me to be your kid ❤️

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