StoneBridge Christian Church and International Disaster Emergency Service are teaming to help with recovery efforts in the Elkhorn, Neb., area. That Omaha suburb is one of many areas ravaged by tornadoes and severe storms in Oklahoma, Iowa, Nebraska, and other states over the weekend. Elkhorn suffered severe damage on Friday.
StoneBridge also is teaming with Omaha Rapid Response and Relevant Community Church in Elkhorn, located west of Omaha. Volunteers met the first few mornings at the Relevant Center. Volunteers from all four of StoneBridge’s campuses are showing up to help in large numbers. StoneBridge is continuing to post some updates via its Facebook page, but on Monday the church established a dedicated “Disaster Relief” page on its website.
As of early afternoon Sunday, the church already had raised $14,000 for disaster recovery via its dedicated giving portal. IDES also is accepting donations via its website (under “Designation,” write, “Tornado”).