24 January, 2025

CEA Changing Name to Evergreen Church Planting Network (Plus News Briefs)

by | 22 May, 2024 | 0 comments

On June 1, the Christian Evangelistic Association, which has planted churches in the Pacific Northwest since 1961, will begin operating as the Evergreen Church Planting Network

In a newsletter, executive director Toney Salva said the board of directors felt the updated name “would help us to better connect with other Christian churches around the U.S. as we invite them to assist us in our mission” . . . would help differentiate Evergreen from other “Christian evangelistic associations around the country” . . . and that the name Evergreen was particularly appropriate, for it “is synonymous with the Pacific Northwest and symbolizes the timelessness of the gospel that is our enduring hope.”  

Salva said Evergreen’s values and mission remain the same: “to share the transformative power of the gospel by establishing healthy, multiplying churches throughout the Pacific Northwest.” Evergreen’s exclusive focus will be on Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Alaska, and British Columbia. 

“We remain committed to establishing churches that are patterned after the New Testament and share Restoration Movement principles,” Salva wrote.

A booklet that explains the changes and Evergreen’s plans is available here. Evergreen’s new website is evergreen.network.

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News Briefs

The Baltimore Sun interviewed Ben Cachiaras for a feature article highlighting Mountain Christian Church’s 200th year. The writer noted that the megachurch’s attendance surged 40 percent during 2023, bucking a trend of declining church attendance nationally over the past two decades. MCC plans to open a fifth campus during 2025. 

“I sometimes think churches get cluttered with lots of traditions and manmade things that people find unappealing,” Cachiaras, lead pastor of MCC, told The Sun. “We are not trying to do anything particularly new. We are trying to do something old in a beautiful, fresh way. The message doesn’t change. The methods do.” 

Cachiaras wrote about Mountain’s “Only God” story for Christian Standard’s March/April 2024 issue.

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Northeast Christian Church, Louisville, Ky., is marking 10 years of its Love the ’Ville initiative. On Sunday, NCC celebrated the anniversary at two morning services and during an “after party” from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. 

Leading up to the celebration, lead pastor Tyler McKenzie spoke with WHAS about how Love the ’Ville started and what it entails. 

In short, McKenzie said, it’s “thousands of people here in the ’Ville giving thousands of hours and thousands of dollars for the common good of the city. . . . It’s really become a community movement to show love.”

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Christian Standard is compiling a list of Restoration Movement podcasts currently being produced on a regular basis. Readers may send information about their podcasts to [email protected]

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Send news items to [email protected].


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