15 February, 2025

‘Entrusted’—ICOM’s President Shares Vision for 2024 Conference

by | 21 May, 2024 | 2 comments

By Andrew Jit 

It is a blessing to be serving as president of the International Conference on Missions in 2024. As a native New Zealander, it is an honor to be the first ICOM president from the South Pacific. I am excited to welcome everyone to my home state of Kentucky for ICOM 2024 Nov. 14-16 in Lexington. ICOM exists to encourage, equip, and enlist workers for the harvest; it primarily serves attendees and exhibitors associated with the churches of the Restoration/Stone-Campbell Movement. 


ICOM is an incredible weekend of learning, growing, and understanding more about God’s heart for the nations; it is a wonderful opportunity to be part of finishing the task he has entrusted to us. This year we will have more than 620 booths and exhibitors, over 100 workshops to teach and train about missions and best practices, and some incredible main session worship times where you will be challenged and inspired by global voices.  

My passion is to raise up the next generation to become kingdom workers amongst the unreached peoples of the world. I have co-authored books and developed resources to help local churches make disciples of every generation. Earlier this year, I transitioned from serving over 20 years in various ministry positions in New Zealand and the United States to now serving full-time as field services director with IDES—International Disaster Emergency Service. In my new role, I oversee field workers working among unreached people groups in open and closed countries. IDES exists to meet the physical and spiritual needs of suffering people throughout the world in the name of Jesus Christ and has had a strong partnership with ICOM for many years.  

IDES has sponsored the ICOM U.S. tour for the last two years, and it will sponsor the Missionary Luncheon for a third straight time. The disaster relief organization has been a longtime exhibitor at ICOM. IDES loves its association with ICOM because of the incredible opportunity it offers to pray, engage, and connect with partner churches. At the annual gathering, IDES can share the story if its 50-plus years of kingdom work and its incredible impact in providing help and hope in more than 130 countries. In Lexington, we will be recruiting IDES field workers for the kingdom.  

The ICOM 2024 theme of “Entrusted” comes from 2 Timothy 2:2. Jesus has entrusted to us the best news, the gospel, and we are called to preach and proclaim it to those around us, both in our Jerusalem and to the ends of the earth. We must urgently proclaim the gospel to those with little or no access to it. As we enjoy his grace and goodness, we are all entrusted to extend his glory. Every Jesus believer is called to be a disciple-maker and to be part of God’s global mission. We are praying that everyone who comes to an ICOM around the world will walk away with the understanding that they are entrusted with the gospel, whatever their role will be—whether that is to pray, care, give, go, or send.    

ICOM 2024 will be a historical conference as we have planned ICOM gatherings in different countries on six continents. Each gathering will have their own speakers and workshops under the “Entrusted” theme. In Lexington, we will celebrate what is taking place, how God’s global church is moving, and how we get to be part of spreading his glory among the nations.   

I believe every church has been entrusted with the task of making disciples and raising up the next generation of kingdom workers for the harvest. This will be a major emphasis at ICOM 2024, as I love to help churches develop their potential for global missions and to strategize how all generations can live on mission. The Great Commission has no age restriction, so plan on coming to ICOM with your entire church!  

If you are new to missions or have a deep passion for seeing God’s glory extended to all nations, you need to be part of ICOM 2024! To learn more about ICOM and to register, go to theicom.org. We look forward to welcoming you to ICOM in Lexington in November.  

Andrew Jit is serving as president of the 2024 International Conference on Missions, scheduled for Nov. 14-16 in Lexington, Ky. 


  1. Bob Stacy

    Oh, how I hope to be present for ICOM ’24. I remember well some of the first missionary conventions all the way back to the 60’s and 70’s. What joy it was in those days, first as a faculty member at OBC (OCC) and then as CIY director, to help with and then to plan the youth sessions. To watch the gathering grow and influence thousands and thousands of the Lord’s people through the years has been a cause of rejoicing. I look forward to sharing in the great fellowship planned for Lexington. Lord willing, I’ll be there praising God for the work He is doing throughout the world!

  2. Glenn Anmderson

    Who is in charge of workshops? Is there an opportunity to add Shonnie Wellspring, Project Liberia director?

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