Reading Time: 2 minutes
From the first century up through today, many people have watched the church and noticed that something about it is different, unique, or even a little odd.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
From the first century up through today, many people have watched the church and noticed that something about it is different, unique, or even a little odd.
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Even though Saul had compromised his kingship, David still had respect for the office.
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Do we trust God to vindicate us and deliver us from injustice when the time is right?
Reading Time: 2 minutes
What are the differences between being “right” and being “righteous”?
Reading Time: 6 minutes
Twenty years or so after stepping down as editor of Christian Standard, Edwin Hayden penned this reminiscence of four gentlemen who had helped and encouraged him during his career: W.H. Book, P.H. Welshimer, Toyoza W. Nakarai, and W.R. Walker.
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Christian camps are gearing up for a much more active summer season this year, hoping the waning state of the COVID-19 pandemic will allow more kids to come together for summer fun.
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Briefs from Hickory Valley Christian Church in Chattanooga, Ozark Christian College, Visioneering Studios, Milligan University, and more.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Look through Mary’s eyes at the bread and the cup. Listen to Mary’s voice as you thank God for paying the price for our sins. This was Mary’s testimony about God’s Son: “Do whatever he tells you.”
Reading Time: 4 minutes
David vs. Goliath is more than a story about the underdog winning.