17 July, 2024

Christian Standard

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THROWBACK THURSDAY: ‘Thank God for the Depression’ (1933)

THROWBACK THURSDAY: ‘Thank God for the Depression’ (1933)

Reading Time: 4 minutes

“Why not be thankful this year?” minister Orval M. Morgan wrote at the height of the Great Depression. “What are a few years of depression when compared to God’s eternity? . . . God is still God; Christ is still the Saviour of the world; the Holy Spirit our Comforter; prayer our privilege and the Bible our open Book. . . .”

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November 19 | Ephesus

November 19 | Ephesus

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Some cities are so significant that just saying their names gets a reader’s or hearer’s attention. In the ancient world, this was true with Ephesus, a city with a population that rivaled Rome and Thessalonica. Paul visited Ephesus as the end of his second missionary journey . . .

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