Reading Time: 4 minutes
What can we learn from Restoration Movement organizations that no longer exist? . . .
Reading Time: 4 minutes
What can we learn from Restoration Movement organizations that no longer exist? . . .
Reading Time: 5 minutes
The Relevance of the Doctrine of Adoption in 2024 . . .
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Every marriage begins as a mustard seed—a small, yet potent commitment between two souls. . . .
Reading Time: 4 minutes
What can we learn by reviewing Restoration Movement history? . . .
Reading Time: 5 minutes
Reflections on the centennial issue of Christian Standard from 1966 . . .
Reading Time: 5 minutes
A funeral sermon helped launch me on a path to ministry . . .
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Christian Standard will be focusing on the Restoration Movement over the next several months . . .
Reading Time: 6 minutes
Recently, I made it a discipline to read a saint story every day for a year. . . .
Reading Time: 4 minutes
When I was a teen in the late 1960s, my church became a verbal battleground . . .