Reading Time: 2 minutes
In this excerpt from a 1906 essay, Anna D. Bradley responded to a correspondent who contended that Christmas Day was “handed down from heathendom.” . . .
Reading Time: 2 minutes
In this excerpt from a 1906 essay, Anna D. Bradley responded to a correspondent who contended that Christmas Day was “handed down from heathendom.” . . .
Reading Time: 4 minutes
“We need to share Simeon’s experience,” Editor Sam Stone wrote in 1978. “We need to see the Lord this Christmas. Simply hearing of the infant in a manger is not enough, however. We must look with the eye of faith to Calvary, knowing that there He died for us.” . . .
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Alexander Campbell provided this description of his father, Thomas Campbell, in a volume called “Memoirs of Elder Thomas Campbell,” published in 1861. Almost 50 years later, Christian Standard extracted and published this short portion . . .
Reading Time: 4 minutes
“Why not be thankful this year?” minister Orval M. Morgan wrote at the height of the Great Depression. “What are a few years of depression when compared to God’s eternity? . . . God is still God; Christ is still the Saviour of the world; the Holy Spirit our Comforter; prayer our privilege and the Bible our open Book. . . .”
Reading Time: 6 minutes
The assignment in fall 1983 was simple and direct: “Write a short paragraph telling of some verse or verses of the Bible that have special meaning to you.” Today we share responses from Ard Hoven of Grayson, Ky.; Barton McElroy of Duncanville, Tex.; Robert A. Scott of Waterloo, Iowa; and Jerzy Sacewicz of Warsaw, Poland.
Reading Time: 5 minutes
Christian Standard is compiling a list of the oldest Independent Christian Churches and Churches of Christ that are still gathering for worship each week, but we need your help. Please review this list of churches that started between the years of 1800 and 1859. If you know of a church that we have overlooked, or if you see incorrect information . . .
Reading Time: 8 minutes
The assignment in fall 1983 was simple and direct: “Write a short paragraph telling of some verse or verses of the Bible that have special meaning to you.” Today we share responses from Edgar Nichols of Myrtle Creek, Ore.; Bill Jessup of San Jose, Calif.; Orval M. Morgan of Phoenix, Ariz.; and Murhl S. Rogers of Indianapolis, Ind.
Reading Time: 6 minutes
“The closing hour of the Evangelistic Rally at Lincoln, Ill., Feb. 23 and 24, marked a culmination that will be of wide interest,” Christian Standard reported in March 1944. “The announcement by Earl C. Hargrove, minister at Lincoln, that a new preacher-training school would be opened there in September sent a thrill over the great crowd. . . .”
Reading Time: 7 minutes
“Ohio presents a mission field of marvelous ripeness and of vast extent. The gifts of our entire brotherhood might be poured into it for years, and yet not gather all of the harvest that is ripe for our hands,” the corresponding secretary for the Ohio Christian Missionary Society wrote in 1903. . . .