Reading Time: 2 minutes
Communion time in our worship gatherings is like meeting a hearse in traffic. It’s a call to move out of the busyness and pause to reflect.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Communion time in our worship gatherings is like meeting a hearse in traffic. It’s a call to move out of the busyness and pause to reflect.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
The example of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection compelled David Lipscomb and others to put their faith into action on behalf of others during Nashville’s cholera outbreak of 1873.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Sometime in the first century, as Jewish refugees returned from exile, they settled in an area near the Sea of Galilee and named their new town Nazareth after the tender, new shoots of the Olive tree.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Mary dropped her water pitcher and ran straight to the front to take her husband’s place. She placed her life in danger to ensure the artillery barrage would continue.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
We set aside time for this meal to thank God for his promises, provisions, and most of all, his presence.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Mankind needed a mediator, a rescuer, to act as a go-between from God to people. We needed someone who understood the needs on both sides of the divide . . .
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Communion is not a moment for us to be proud of how righteous we think we are; instead, it is a time to reflect and celebrate that a holy God would allow sinners like us to come to his table at all!
Reading Time: 2 minutes
The only earthly crown Jesus ever wore was made of thorns. Yet it was through his suffering that Jesus received a spiritual crown no human eye has ever seen.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
The rider on the white horse in Revelation 19 was different from the rider in Revelation 6. The rider on the second white horse is none other than Jesus, the Son of God.