Reading Time: 5 minutes
“[M]ost ministers in practicing their calling pick up such bad habits in pulpit technique that after ten to fifteen years, most of them stand in need of professional help.” . . .
Reading Time: 5 minutes
“[M]ost ministers in practicing their calling pick up such bad habits in pulpit technique that after ten to fifteen years, most of them stand in need of professional help.” . . .
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Briefs from churches in Tennessee, Texas, and Iowa, along with items about an opportunity for high schoolers to take a Biblical Interpretation course for college credit (at a discount), and the passing of a retired Kentucky Christian University educator.
Reading Time: 5 minutes
A new class at Johnson University examines God’s care for the nonhuman world—and is catching a degree of criticism for it. Dr. Joe Gordon, professor of theology, said his Creaturely Theology class is designed to show students how Scripture points to God’s love, care, and sustenance for all of creation. . . .
Reading Time: 2 minutes
The Advance Center for Ministry Training in Kissimmee, Fla., and Great Lakes Christian College, Lansing, Mich., have articulated a transfer agreement that will enable Advance graduates to complete their bachelor’s degrees at GLCC. . . .
Reading Time: 4 minutes
In a letter to a seventh-grade girl from 1959, C.S. Lewis shared eight pieces of writing advice, the first five of which I believe to be quite relevant for preachers.
Reading Time: 3 minutes
William Jessup University, Rocklin, Calif., has been accepted to compete in NCAA Division II. . . . Plus briefs from, Harding University, and more . . .
Reading Time: 5 minutes
The author, a former missionary to Ukraine, and a group of short-term workers went to Germany to provide respite care at the relocated Good Samaritan Children’s Home this summer. . . .
Reading Time: 5 minutes
Good Samaritan Children’s Home was founded in Ukraine in 2001 but relocated to Germany last year because of the Russian invasion. Adjustments have been challenging. . . .
Reading Time: 6 minutes
In 2012, Daniel Overdorf and two friends examined 250 Christian Church and Church of Christ websites to determine how they presented their view of baptism to the public. Overdorf offers good suggestions for churches.