10 March, 2025


IDES Planning 50th Anniversary Open House (Plus News Briefs)

Reading Time: 3 minutes

International Disaster Emergency Service—better known as IDES—will celebrate 50 years of sharing help and hope worldwide on July 8 with an open house and a 5-kilometer walk and run. Plus additional news briefs from ICOM, Great Lakes Christian College, Ozark Christian College, and more. . . .

SPOTLIGHT: Fast-Growing Ohio Church Merges with Neighbor

SPOTLIGHT: Fast-Growing Ohio Church Merges with Neighbor

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The past year-plus has been eventful for First Church of Christ in Fairborn, Ohio—the fastest-growing “very small” church in Christian Standard’s 2022 Church Report. . . . The changes include merging, moving, and adopting a new name: New Beginnings Christian Church. . . .

Celebrating the Ministry of Rob Raynor

Celebrating the Ministry of Rob Raynor

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Rob Raynor of Lakepoint Community Church in Eatonton, Gal., is retiring this summer after nearly 50 years in ministry. His start in ministry was unlikely, and his time in ministry has been innovative. . . .

Former Church Financial Director Faces Charges (Plus News Briefs)

Reading Time: 4 minutes

The former financial director of Pikes Peak Christian Church in Colorado Springs, Colo., is accused of stealing more than $340,000 from the church, according to a news report. An arrest warrant charges her with 896 counts of financial-related crimes. . . . Plus briefs from Minnesota, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri.

News Briefs for May 31

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Central Park Christian Church in Topeka, Kan., is planning a “Rooftop Revival” this weekend to bring the community together and help raise funds for the church’s youth ministry. Also briefs about funeral arrangements for Nell Stacy, a new book on Hebrews by Chad Ragsdale, and more. . . .