Reading Time: 3 minutes
Harvey Bacus, who led Ozark Christian College’s Missions Department for 33 years, died on Friday. Also, Jack Cottrell’s library collection is headed to Mid-Atlantic Christian University. And more . . .
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Harvey Bacus, who led Ozark Christian College’s Missions Department for 33 years, died on Friday. Also, Jack Cottrell’s library collection is headed to Mid-Atlantic Christian University. And more . . .
Reading Time: < 1 minute
Luke 2 describes a sky full of heavenly hosts giving glory to God because a Savior had been born. . . . Angels appear elsewhere in Scripture and bring significant news. But those appearances are not followed by a sky full of heavenly beings giving glory to God. . . .
Reading Time: 3 minutes
In the 1996 Christmas program, Margie Redford’s parents included a note to family members that encouraged them to “Greet each morning with this prayer: ‘Lord, what are You and I going to do together today? I’m reporting for duty.'” The Christmas programs were a family Christmas tradition.
Reading Time: 3 minutes
As much fun as it is to receive a gift, please consider that Jesus taught that giving a gift is even better, Jeff Stone writes in our second of eight daily Christmas essays. Giving is greater than exchanging.
Reading Time: 3 minutes
That night at that Disney amphitheater, Arron Chambers recalls, “I witnessed the uncontainable joy Dad had for Jesus and all things Christmas.” (This is the first of eight Christmas reflections Christian leaders will be sharing in the days leading up to the celebration of our Lord’s birth.)
Reading Time: 5 minutes
After 10 months of war in Ukraine, more than 75,000 residential buildings have been destroyed, 40 percent of the electric grid is critically damaged, and many villages and small towns have been wiped out. Thousands have died and millions displaced. Amid all this, Christians are at work helping their friends, neighbors, and fellow citizens.
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Certain groups in Christendom do not observe Christmas nor do they commemorate the birth of Christ under any designation. One such body maintains that no such commemoration is required by Scripture. . . .
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Tom Harper, who serves as founder and publisher of and as an elder at Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Ky., has released his newest book, “Inner Threat: Combatting Christian Leadership’s Natural Enemy.” Also, briefs from, GLCC, First Christian Church (Columbus, Ind.), and more.
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Tavriski Christian Institute celebrated its 25th anniversary this fall. It did so during a war, displaced from its campus in Kherson, Ukraine, but dedicated to continuing its commitment to training Christian leaders for a country that needs them more than ever.