Reading Time: 3 minutes
Overlake Christian Church’s Safe Parking Ministry—for people who don’t have homes but do have cars—has been helping with the spiritual and material needs of this segment of the homeless population since 2015.
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Overlake Christian Church’s Safe Parking Ministry—for people who don’t have homes but do have cars—has been helping with the spiritual and material needs of this segment of the homeless population since 2015.
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Three churches had their first official worship service on Sunday: Accelerate Church of Camden County, N.J., Beacon Christian Church of Derry, N.H., and Elevate Christian Church in Lexington, Ky.
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Part 3 of 3: What the Bible Says About Deaconesses — The evidence is disputed, but I believe women did and do serve in this capacity—often without the title.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Central Christian College of the Bible and St. Louis Christian College are investigating “the possible benefits of a merger or similar formal arrangement between the two institutions,” according to announcements at the Missouri colleges’ websites.
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Team Expansion sees amazing response to appeal to help internally displaced Afghans. Plus briefs from First Christian Church (Lamar, Mo.), ICOM, IDES, Dallas Christian College, Hope International University, and more.
Reading Time: 7 minutes
Part 2 of 3: Who to Select and How They Should Function — Four scriptural texts help shape our understanding . . .
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Pastor Jack Coultas, of Park Grove Christian Church in Deepwater, Mo., encourages people to “love dangerously”—just as Jesus did. It’s a self-sacrificing message Coultas can preach boldly because he was able to live it out. Early last year, Coultas donated one of his kidneys to a church member.
Reading Time: 6 minutes
“In churches of Christ and Christian churches, is divorce the unpardonable sin?” Judy Norris asked in this column from 1980. “Have we become so Pharisaical that our own self-righteousness causes us to negate love?”
Reading Time: 5 minutes
Thousands are praying for Charlie Russell . . . plus updates on Team Expansion’s efforts to help Afghans and efforts to plant churches in New England. And much more . . .