11 March, 2025

+The Lookout

June 2 Application | ‘Daniel’s Graduation Speech’

June 2 Application | ‘Daniel’s Graduation Speech’

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“If he were around today, the prophet Daniel would be a natural choice for a graduation speaker,” David Faust writes. “According to Daniel 1, he was intelligent and good looking, filled with leadership potential. Here are some points I think Daniel might have emphasized in a speech to young adults. . . .” 

May 26 Study | Generosity

May 26 Study | Generosity

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Second Corinthians 8-9 is the largest stewardship of giving passage in the Bible. After the rich discussion about the ministry of the gospel (2:14—7:16), Paul launched into this major teaching about giving. . . .