Lesson for March 25, 2012: Nicodemus Learns of New Birth (John 3:1-25; Numbers 21:4-9) by Christian Standard | 19 March, 2012 | +The Lookout
Lesson for March 18, 2012: Water Turned to Wine (John 2:1-12) by Christian Standard | 12 March, 2012 | +The Lookout
Lesson for March 11, 2012: The Word Became Flesh (John 1:1-18) by Christian Standard | 5 March, 2012 | +The Lookout
Lesson for March 4, 2012: Wisdom”s Origin (Proverbs 8) by Christian Standard | 27 February, 2012 | +The Lookout
Lesson for Feb. 26, 2012: Bearing the Fruit of Redemption (Galatians 5:2″“6:18) by Christian Standard | 20 February, 2012 | +The Lookout
Lesson for Feb. 19, 2012: Inheriting Abraham”s Promise (Galatians 3:15″“5:1) by Christian Standard | 13 February, 2012 | +The Lookout
Lesson for Feb. 12, 2012: Blessed with Abraham (Galatians 3:1-14) by Christian Standard | 6 February, 2012 | +The Lookout
Lesson for Feb. 5, 2012: Justified by Faith in Christ (Galatians 1, 2) by Christian Standard | 30 January, 2012 | +The Lookout
Lesson for Jan. 29, 2012: Israel Is Delivered from Egypt (Exodus 1-15) by Christian Standard | 23 January, 2012 | +The Lookout