Lesson for June 7, 2020: The Look of True Friendship (Job 16:1-5, 15-21; 6:12-17) by Mark Scott | 1 June, 2020 | +The Lookout, Study
Application for June 7: Down in the Dirt with Your Friends by David Faust | 1 June, 2020 | +The Lookout, Application
Lesson for May 31, 2020: The Look of Integrity (Job 27:1-6; 31:5, 6, 16-23) by Mark Scott | 25 May, 2020 | +The Lookout, Study
Application for May 31: Time to Adjust the Seat by David Faust | 25 May, 2020 | +The Lookout, Application
Lesson for May 24, 2020: I Catch No Glimpse of Him! (Job 2:11-13; 23:1-17) by Mark Scott | 18 May, 2020 | +The Lookout, Study
Application for May 24: If Only I Knew Where to Find Him by David Faust | 18 May, 2020 | +The Lookout, Application