14 October, 2024

Institute Completing First Term

by | 5 December, 2013 | 0 comments

By Jennifer Johnson

This month, adults of every age and from every background are completing their first term at the Eastside Institute for Spiritual Growth and Leadership, a new educational initiative created by Eastside Christian Church and Hope International University. The two Fullerton, CA, ministries have partnered to develop a two-year, four-term “night school” that introduces students to the Bible, the character and nature of God, his covenant, the teachings of Jesus, the mis-sion of the church, and more.

12_4C_Eastside_JN“The Institute is providing three things,” says Charles Stoicu, director. “One is a focus on Bible knowledge””many people are biblically “˜illiterate,” and these programs encourage them to dig in and study. It”s also a big part of our assimilation process, helping people take a great next step after becoming a Christian or joining the church. And we also believe leadership is key to growth, so it”s a significant way we”re training and equipping leaders.”

Students choose either the one-year or two-year program, with terms running September through December and January through April. Classes are taught by both Hope International faculty and Eastside pastors, and students can receive up to 12 credits to apply to an HIU degree program.

“This not only becomes a way to build the knowledge and skills of our leaders, it”s also become an inexpensive “˜on-ramp” for Christian college,” Stoicu says.

In addition to attending classes, EI students are required to serve at the church at least half the weekends of each term and participate in a one-day service project through the church”s compassion ministry, providing practical ways for students to explore their gifts in the broader community.

“The Institute is for people at every stage, from the brand-new Christian to the person sensing a call to ministry,” Stoicu says. “It”s the beginning of what”s next for Eastside in our ministry to California and to the world.”



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