Stadia Church Planting marketing manager Josie Barton had some fun with Google’s announcement that its revolutionary cloud-based gaming system would be called . . . you guessed it: Stadia.
“These past few days, we’ve been having fun introducing unsuspecting gamers to our church planting mission,” Barton wrote on Stadia’s website Sunday, noting, “it’s easy to use the wrong handle in the twitterverse.”
Cloud-based gaming could mark the end of console-based systems that have ruled since the early 1980s.
If gamers are excited for Stadia, Barton opined, “We need to be as excited [because] Stadia Church Planters is even better.” She then listed several reasons for this, including:
“Google Stadia promises that people can game anytime, anywhere, but Stadia Church Planting promises that you can plant anywhere God is leading you.
“Google Stadia promises that you can play instantly, but Stadia Church Planting promises that you can plant impactfully.
“Google Stadia will one day be obsolete, but Jesus never will be.”
Read Barton’s article: “6 Reasons Stadia Church Planting Is Even Better than Google Stadia.”