27 March, 2025

News Briefs from Virginia, Nebraska, and Indiana

by | 23 October, 2019 | 0 comments

Belmont Christian Church, Christiansburg, Va., recently was part of a demonstration for a first-of-its-kind drone delivery service in the United States.

The Roanoke Times reports that Wing Aviation, a sister company of Google, is launching the delivery zone that will drop off merchandise from several retailers, as well as FedEx packages up to 3.3 pounds. Wing has similar delivery zones in Australia and Finland.

Wing spokesman Jonathan Bass said the company chose Christiansburg because of its ties with Virginia Tech and its drone division, Mid-Atlantic Aviation Partnership.

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The number of people who describe themselves as Christian in the United States has declined from 77 to 65 percent over the past decade, and those who describe themselves as atheist, agnostic, or “nothing in particular” has risen from 17 to 26 percent, according to a survey by the Pew Research Center.

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Attendance was 145 at the first service of Third City Christian Church–Broken Bow on Oct. 13, the Sandhills Express reports. The Broken Bow, Neb., site is the first venture into multisite ministry by Third City Christian Church of Grand Island, Neb. (See our article from Oct 2.) The new site is in the former First Christian Church building.

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Tyler and Katie Selby, missionaries to Ethiopia, recently were at CMF’s offices in Indianapolis and answered questions and shared thoughts about their eventful first term of ministry. Tyler, a graduate of Milligan College, and Katie, a graduate of Manhattan Christian College, are raising two daughters in Nekempte, a “village” of 200,000 with minimal infrastructure. The couple met in Johnson City, Tenn., and both graduated from Emmanuel Christian Seminary.

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Coins found beneath the paving stones of a walkway that leads from the Pool of Siloam to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem give strong evidence that the project was commissioned by Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor who presided over Jesus’ trial, Standard Digital reports.

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First Christian Church, Greensburg, Ind., recently hosted almost 250 community members for the Celebrate Recovery Unity Banquet, the Daily News reported.

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