27 March, 2025

CCU Faculty, Staff Relief Effort Distributes More Than $54,000

by | 12 February, 2020 | 1 comment

The GoFundMe effort on behalf of Cincinnati Christian University Faculty and Staff has disbursed $54,576 among 28 individuals left without jobs because of the school’s sudden closing last year. Gifts came from 132 individuals and ministries from around the world.

Some of the largest gifts came from local congregations and parachurch ministries, including: Milford (Ohio) Christian Church, $1,000; Owensboro (Ky.) Christian Church, $2,500; Northeast Christian Church, Louisville, Ky., $5,000; Bob Russell Ministries, $5,000; SouthBrook Christian Church, Miamisburg, Ohio, $5,000; and Southland Christian Church, Lexington, Ky., $12,500.

Ozark Christian College, Joplin, Mo., dedicated its first chapel offering of the second semester to this fund and sent a gift of $1,114.92. A group of 1980s alumni organized by Kristina Rickert donated $444.18 as proceeds from a CCU T-shirt sales campaign. Gifts totaling $25,705 came through the GoFundMe web portal, while several mailed checks directly to the account that collected and disbursed the funds.

Gift recipients expressed profound gratitude. Among the notes received:

  • “This relief fund has been such a blessing in this time of extreme uncertainty and confusion.”
  • “I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the generosity my family and I have received during this time. This is truly something we will always remember!”
  • “Wow, what a blessing this fund is to our family! Thank you for orchestrating and putting this together. This past check came just in time for us to take care of some longstanding bills that we weren’t sure how to pay for.”

Several former students said their gift was a way to thank the school and its faculty for the life-changing leadership they experienced at CCU. Some examples included:

  • “So thankful for the men and women who poured into me and my wife during our time at CCU.”
  • “These professors didn’t just teach me, but showed a lot of grace, and I needed a good helping of both when I was in school.”
  • “So much of who we are today is because of our time at CCU. So much of who we are today is because of the people of CCU. We’re doing our small part to serve those who loved and served us so faithfully.”

“This campaign has blessed many, many individuals, both donors and recipients,” said Shawn McMullen, who partnered with Mark A. Taylor to lead and administer the campaign. Tyler McKenzie of Louisville; and Linda Mirante of Wabash, Ind., also helped direct and promote the effort.

“While the fund is now closed, we continue to pray for the life and ministry of those served by it,” Taylor said. “And we’re thanking God for how the body of Christ rallied to help them through this campaign.”

1 Comment

  1. Michael G. Mullenix

    I have known ministers lose their jobs, get sick, no health insurance, no life insurance etc. What happen to these men and their families? I do appreciate the concerns for those at CCU, but what about those through the decades and now?

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