10 March, 2025

LGBTQ Group Pushes for Change at Milligan

by | 8 May, 2023 | 10 comments

A group is protesting Milligan University’s avowed biblical position on human sexuality by posting on a billboard near campus last month that “Trans is Holy,” “Drag is Holy,” “Queer is Holy,” and “You are Holy.” Genesis 1:31 and Acts 10:15 are cited as supporting Scripture. 

That group, Milligan for All, started in 2021. One if its members, Molly Dycus, who came out as LGBTQ while at Milligan (and who graduated on Saturday), told WJHL.com that it is the group’s fifth billboard as they continue to push for change at the Christian university in Tennessee. 

Earlier today, Milligan University president Bill Greer told Christian Standard, “Because of our biblically based position on marriage and human sexuality, we continue to be attacked.” The group Milligan for All, he said, “want[s] us to change our position.” 

Milligan for All, which is comprised of alums and others associated with Milligan, has been disappointed that “there’s not a whole lot of change that’s really actually happened” since some initial discussions with Milligan’s leadership, Dycus told WJHL for their news story. 

Milligan for All’s website states it is an “open and affirming alumni collective. . . . We seek to transform MU into a place that fully embodies and expresses Christ’s love—a place welcoming of all gender identities and sexual orientations.” 

Milligan’s position on marriage and human sexuality is posted at the school’s website; it starts with a “Letter from the President” dated May 3, 2021. In it, Bill Greer says, “Milligan is committed to providing a loving and caring community for all students—including our LGBTQ students.”  

In the letter, Greer says the university has had discussions with student groups about how the school “can better support LGBTQ students, even while honoring our beliefs,” namely, “our longstanding belief that the Bible portrays sexual intimacy as a gift from God intended to be expressed within a covenant marriage between one man and one woman.” 

The letter stressed that “Milligan does not have anti-LGBTQ student policies.” 

Greer said today that Milligan’s biblical position on human sexuality has not changed, nor has its emphasis on providing a safe and loving community for all.  

“We have heard from an overwhelming number of alumni, friends, and supporting churches that they are grateful for our continued stance upon the Bible for direction in this and other matters,” Greer said. 


  1. Jay Mahan

    It will be interesting to see how our institutions will respond when remaining true to the Biblical witness adversely affects finding and student aid.

  2. Dennis Lee Crehan

    I know there is great pressure on institutions that remain true to the word of God. Since all truth eminates from God, we must remain true to his precepts.

    Stay strong, it’s the most loving thing you can do.

  3. Jeff Allen

    I pray that MU stands strong in the face of this cultural decay, and that we stand behind Biblical truth, unwavering, in this matter. Milligan has always had a bent for attracting liberally leaning Christians–I say this as one who attended, both my wife and I. Please, Mr. Greer, do not bend to the culture. In fact, I would recommend you stand even stronger in support of Biblical truth and root out this apostasy within the university. These students don’t know what holiness is, let alone what the standard of holiness is. Maybe they should have learned 1 Peter 1:15-16.

  4. Dr. Bruce Russell

    Again I am thankful for your stand on truth. Jesus made it clear. “From the beginning God created them male and female and for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and the two shall become one flesh.”

  5. D. Clay Perkins

    Thank you, Milligan and President Greer, for your savvy leadership. Speaking the TRUTH in love. (Ephesians 4:15)

  6. Daniel T Doupé

    I don’t know what MU’s position is on accepting any form of federal or state financial aid. If MU does accept such aid, I see a difficult time ahead for them on LGBTQ+ issues. When they are pressured by a government, will they stand firm on their beliefs and principles or will they bend the knee?

  7. Thomas Joseph

    Stand fast by Biblical value.

  8. Cindy McMurray

    I’ve always believed that you can love the person but you don’t have to love their sin. The Bible specifically states what marriage is. We can accept those people for the person they were created to be but not accept their lifestyle. Love them to death and pray for them to accept what God intended them to be.

  9. Alta Lint

    I’m proud of my Alma Mater for its loving stance on the issue. Obviously LGBTQ students are accepted or Ms. Dycus wouldn’t be graduating. Dr. Greer, and hopefully the incoming president, continue to represent Milligan well.

  10. Michael Bratten

    We are UNholy, sinful, because we have chosen to disobey the Lord. We BECOME holy through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. THAT took self-denial on His part. And it takes self-denial for us to follow Him. Please stay strong in the unchanging Word of God. And then maybe, just maybe, some will come to repentance, and then to holiness. “For without holiness, no one will see God.”

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