6 March, 2025


News Briefs for October 19

Reading Time: 2 minutes

News briefs about ICOM, a new preaching resource from e2, a new campus for Redemption Christian Church, upcoming women’s events at Ozark and Manhattan Christian colleges, and Bob Russell’s take on Halloween.

‘Beard Off’ Participants Sacrifice Whiskers for GLCC Scholarships

‘Beard Off’ Participants Sacrifice Whiskers for GLCC Scholarships

Reading Time: 3 minutes

A lot of whiskers hit the floor at the finale of “The Beard Off” fundraising event to raise scholarship monies for Great Lakes Christian College. Every competitor who was able to attend the event Saturday went under the razor. In total, The Beard Off raised $22,190, said event organizer Caleb Weller on Monday morning.

Former SLCC Prof Coauthors ‘The Faith of Elvis’: An Interview with Kent Sanders (Part 1)

Former SLCC Prof Coauthors ‘The Faith of Elvis’: An Interview with Kent Sanders (Part 1)

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Former St. Louis Christian College worship arts professor Kent Sanders has coauthored the just-released “The Faith of Elvis: A Story Only a Brother Can Tell” with Billy Stanley, stepbrother to Elvis Presley. We interviewed Sanders about his transition from professor to writer and what he learned about the spiritual life of Elvis.

Bob Scott, 95, a Longtime Minister in Midwest, Dies (Plus News Briefs)

Bob Scott, 95, a Longtime Minister in Midwest, Dies (Plus News Briefs)

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Robert A. “Bob” Scott, 95, of Joplin, Mo., who ministered in Christian churches for decades, died Sept. 19, 2022. Mr. Scott is the father of Mark Scott, who writes our weekly Lookout Bible lessons, and four other sons: Dan, Phil, Tom, and Tim. Also briefs about Restoration Appreciation week at GLCC, the Midwest Ministers’ Retreat at LCU, Homecoming at Point U, and more.