By Mark A. Taylor
Creative writing teachers always include a sentence similar to this one in their arsenal of advice: “To be an excellent writer, you must be an avid reader.”
The proof of the proverb is readily seen in the work of CHRISTIAN STANDARD”s newest columnist, Roy Lawson, who offers an eclectic mix of book reviews labeled “From My Bookshelf”.
We suspect Roy”s bookshelf contains volumes many of our readers will not have previously encountered, treating a wide range of topics and viewpoints. If the books in this first column are anywhere as engaging as Roy”s review of them, many will want to dig into all three.
Although Roy may be best known for his ability to preach or lead churches and parachurches, he has been a prolific writer throughout the years. Early in his career he was an English professor, and his love for the written word has undergirded every endeavor he has undertaken. When I was ushering him to dinner a day before last fall”s Publishing Committee meeting, the discovery that pleased him most was that his hotel was close to two megabookstores.
Whenever Roy is communicating””whether sermon, Scripture commentary, or college lecture””he includes allusions to and quotes from his reading. It”s clear his winning way with words comes from his exposure to so many of them!
He demonstrates that reading is not only for writers, but for anyone who deals in the exchange of ideas. That includes every preacher, Sunday school teacher, and small group leader receiving this magazine. Many of them will find new stimulus in the books Roy reviews each month.
Our plan is to include Roy”s column in each of the expanded special issues we”re planning this year. Each month we will take one issue to treat an important theme and throw it open to advertisers looking for more ways to share their message with our readers. This is the first of those special issues, a thicker magazine for our readers at no extra charge to you. Be watching for these special issues throughout the year:
February 17“”North American Christian Convention preview
March 16“”Christian Colleges
April 13“”Annual Megachurch Issue
May 4“”Externally Focused Churches Today
June 8“”Small Groups
July 13“”Distributed at North American Christian Convention
August 10“”Smaller Churches
September 14“”Worship
October 12“”Church Planting
November 9“”Reading Resources
December 7“”Missions (Distributed at National Missionary Convention).
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