By Doug Redford
These days, Black Friday seems to get more attention than Thanksgiving! Some years ago, a newspaper (in its Black Friday edition) featured an article that was headlined, “Consider Today ‘Back Friday.’” The article written by two financial advisers suggested that “Back Friday” is a “good time of year to reflect on what you are grateful for and look back on how your family’s financial year has played out.”
Perhaps we should consider making every Sunday “Back Sunday,” especially when we partake of Communion. The Lord’s Supper presents us with the opportunity to look back on the past week and reflect on our struggles and our victories. A typical week likely includes spiritual battles won, battles lost, and battles still in progress (some that may continue for a while). But we also look back on the events that form the foundation of our faith and the reason why Communion means so much to us: the death of Jesus for our sins and his resurrection from the dead.
Paul wrote, “For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes” (1 Corinthians 11:26). Communion is for looking back but also for looking ahead to the return of Jesus and an eternity with him.
The newspaper article also suggested that on Back Friday people not forget to review their investments, like their 401k. Market conditions, the authors said, have undoubtedly affected personal returns; and with all the uncertainty over inflation and other monetary issues, it is an excellent time to re-evaluate the amount of risk you may be taking.
Aren’t you grateful that our salvation isn’t subject to all the shifts and changes and turmoil that go on in the financial world? Jesus was willing to endure whatever “risk” came with leaving Heaven’s glory to come to our broken world. He put everything on the line; he gave his all, his life at the cross for us. This sin-cursed world can frustrate us and disappoint us so often. Our faith can take a beating. Let’s give thanks on this and on every Back Sunday for the firm, unshakable foundation on which our salvation securely rests.
Doug Redford has served in the preaching ministry, as an editor of adult Sunday school curriculum, and as a Bible college professor. Currently he is the minister at Highview Christian Church in Cincinnati.