By Doug Redford
The State of the Union is a message delivered annually by the President of the United States to Congress. In the message, the President discusses important issues facing Americans and offers his ideas on solving the nation’s problems, including suggestions for new laws and policies. The Constitution requires the President to do this; it states, “He shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the State of the Union,” though this usually happens the same time every year in January (in some cases February).
While a wide range of opinions may exist about the current “State of the Union” in the United States, let’s think about the “state” of our current “union” with Jesus. Paul describes Christian baptism in terms of a death and resurrection (Romans 6:4) and therefore a union with Jesus: “For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his” (Romans 6:5, New International Version).
At times the state of our union with Jesus may seem rather fragile. He may seem far away from us, as if we were untied rather than united. (Notice what reversing two letters in the middle of a word can do to the meaning!) The pressures and temptations of modern times can be especially intense. We can become disheartened by the relentless efforts of lawmakers to distance themselves farther and farther from the standards God has set for right and wrong.
The observance of Communion each Lord’s Day should remind us that the strength of our union, the glue that holds it together, is not in us—far from it. It’s in Jesus and Jesus alone. We must also remind ourselves that we are not partaking of this meal in solitude. We are in union with our brothers and sisters in this congregation and also with untold numbers of Christians around the world who are sharing in this meal of remembrance.
Our country was formed through a document known as the Declaration of Independence. Christians, however, live by a Declaration of Dependence. We must reaffirm and renew that dependence through time with God in prayer and in his Word and through time with other Christians in worship. Communion in particular provides a time to remind ourselves that the state of our union is strengthened by staying focused on the Savior and Sustainer of our union.
Doug Redford has served in the preaching ministry, as an editor of adult Sunday school curriculum, and as a Bible college professor. Now retired, he continues to write and speak as opportunities arise.